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Post Tagging Guide: How to Tag Posts
Post Tagging Guide: How to Tag Posts

This article is Part 1 of 4 in our guide to Post Tagging in Rival IQ.

Written by Nate Barrett
Updated over 3 months ago

Post Tagging in Rival IQ helps you categorize posts and answer those questions you've always been curious about.

This article is Part 1 of our Post Tagging guide:

We will guide you through how to tag posts and how to analyze post tags in Rival IQ. 

Below is an example Post Tags analysis on a skincare landscape. Using Post Tagging, you can create categories, then tag posts belonging to each category. As you tag posts, Rival IQ automatically creates an analysis to help you quickly see that the four posts about contests received 8.57 times more engagement than posts not about contests or giveaways.

What Can You Tag?

With Post Tagging in Rival IQ, you can:

  • Tag posts from any company in your landscape, including private data.

  • Add multiple tags to a post.

  • Tag based on keywords and hashtags in the post.

  • Use Auto-Tags for Contests, User-Generated Content, Link in Bio or High-Engagement Detection.

Step 1: Make a Plan for Tagging Posts

Before you start tagging, take a few minutes to think about how you want to classify posts. What tags can help you learn why some posts perform better than others? What would you like to take away from this analysis to help or change your social strategy? 

There are several ways to categorize posts, including: 

  • By campaign - which campaign performed the best?

  • By objects in photos - what photos does your audience engage most on?

  • By product - does your audience engage with a particular product more than others? 

  • By branding - do branded posts perform better than non-branded posts?

Do you want to tag posts from your focus company, or every company in your landscape? Use the Company Filter drop-down to filter your view.

Step 2: Tag Posts

Tags can be applied individually on the Post Tags page or in bulk via the Post Tag Manager.

Tagging One Post at a Time via the Post Tags Page

1. Tag a post by clicking on the Add Tag icon on any post.

TIP: We recommend using the Layout picker to select the view that works best for your process. If you're looking at captions while tagging, use List. And if you're focused on tagging images, we recommend Grid with Details.

2. Create a new tag or select an existing tag to apply to the post.

3. Add more tags using the Add Tag icon, or delete a tag by clicking the X on the tag.

Tagging Posts in Bulk via the Post Tag Manager

Use the Post Tag Manager to speed up your tagging process. In the manager, you can:

  • Quickly select posts that need the same tag.

  • Create Auto-Tags based on keywords or other criteria.

  • Add multiple tags to a post in fewer clicks.

This article will take you through the steps to tag posts by manually selecting each one. To learn how to tag posts based on keywords or other automations, see our guide on Auto-Tag Rules.

1. First, navigate to the Post Tag Manager by expanding the Landscape section in the side navigation, and selecting the Post Tag Manager.

2. Select the posts you wish to tag. For example, you may want to tag every post that has images with faces.

3. Click Create New Tag.

4. Choose the type of tag you want to create. Since we've pre-selected posts to tag, the only tag type available is the Manual Tag. If you do not pre-select posts, the Auto-Tag Rules will be available.

4. Name your tag. Pick a descriptive name so you can remember what types of posts were tagged. You can edit the tag name later.

5. Click Apply to add your newly created tag to the posts. If there are additional tags you wish to apply to the selected photos, you can select those tags as well.

TIP: You can use advanced filters to see all posts without the selected tag. For example, excluding the "Has Face" tag and then viewing the posts in grid view allows you to quickly scan for faces you may have missed.

Editing or Deleting a Post Tag

Hover over the Post Tag name to see edit and delete icons.

When you edit a tag name, it is reflected throughout the tagged posts. When you delete the tag, it's removed from all posts.

Step 3: Analyze Post Tags

Analyzing post tags is simple and powerful. To view the analysis, click Post Tag Analytics from the Post Tag Manager or navigate to Post Tags within Public Data. Quid recommends going directly to the channel you wish to analyze for the most actionable analysis.

From Post Tag Manager:

From Side Navigation:

On the Post Tags page, you'll find the tags with the highest engagement rate in the first table.

To edit the columns in this table, click Manage Columns.

Use the Post Tags drop-down to filter the tags displayed in the table. The numbers next to each post tag show how many posts are tagged in the selected date range. If you recently applied a tag, the data may need to be refreshed to see the count of posts with the new tag.

Click the expansion icon to view a breakdown of the Post Tag usage by company.

Click on any row to see the posts pertaining to that row.

Reporting on Tagged Posts in Custom Dashboards

Once you have a custom dashboard, you can add a chart with posts containing a specific tag or set of tags.

1. From your custom dashboard, click Create New Chart

2. Add the Social Posts chart under Social Content. Select the chart for either your Focus Company or for the Landscape.

3. Open the Post Tags drop-down and select the tag or tags you want to view on this dashboard, then click Apply.

4. Set the preferred Layout you want to see on the dashboard. In this example, we've chosen the Grid layout.

5. Click Save to Dashboard.

What's Next?

Continue to Part 2: Auto-Tag Rules.

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