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Post Tagging Guide: Auto-Tag Rules
Post Tagging Guide: Auto-Tag Rules

This article is Part 2 of 4 in our guide to Post Tagging in Rival IQ.

Written by Nate Barrett
Updated over 3 months ago

Auto-Tag Rules save you work and time by tagging new posts for you. Each time Rival IQ ingests new posts, we check whether it satisfies any of your rules. If so, we'll tag the matching posts, so the next time you're in the app you can go straight to your analysis.

You should create a rule if:

  • Tagging can be automated by common keywords, hashtags or engagement rates.

  • You need to tag similar posts now and in the future.

  • You are tagging contests, user-generated content, or references to link in bio.

What is an Auto-Tag Rule?

An Auto-Tag Rule does powerful work for you by using a set of rules to detect and tag all of the posts in your landscape.

The following types of Auto-Tag are available:

  • Keyword-Based: finds keywords or phrases within the post description. Note that for YouTube, text in video titles is not detectable with auto-tags.

  • Contest or Giveaway: detects posts that are likely a contest or giveaway.

  • User-Generated Content: tags post with photo or video attribution.

  • Link in Bio: identifies Instagram or TikTok posts that reference a link in bio.

  • High-Engagement Detection: sets thresholds for engagement rate and totals.

Rules tag the following:

  • All existing and new/future posts until you delete the rule.

  • Matching posts for every company and channel in the landscape.

Creating an Auto-Tag Rule

1. Enter the Post Tag manager by expanding the Landscape section in the side-navigation, then selecting Post Tag Manager.

2. Click Create New Tag

3. Select the type of tag you want to create. For this example, we are using a Keyword-Based rule.

4. Enter the keywords related to the tag. This example creates a tag for anti-wrinkle creams:

anti-wrinkle OR wrinkle* OR "fine lines" OR "frown lines" OR anti-aging

Note that using an asterisk after wrinkle will match with "wrinkle," "wrinkles," and "wrinkling." Phrases should be in quotation marks and keywords should be joined by a capital OR. See more advanced search tips in this article.

5. Name your tag and click Create Post Tag. This tag is automatically applied to all matching posts in your landscape, including future posts.

The Auto-Tag you created appears in the list on the left side of the Post Tag Manager. A lightning bolt icon appears next to the Post Tag to show that it's automated. 

Rival IQ looks through all of the existing posts in the landscape (across all companies and channels) to find posts that match your query and tag them with an Auto-Tag. This process may take a few minutes. If Rules are still running, you can hover over Applying Post Tags at the top to see which tags are still waiting to be applied.

Once it's done, click Reload to refresh your screen with the most updated post tags.

You can view posts tagged by the rule by using the Post Tags dropdown and filtering to see just those posts.​

If you haven't reloaded the page the tag may show 0 posts next to the new tag.

Editing Auto-Tag Rules

1. There are two ways to start editing the rule.:

  • Click the lightning bolt icon next to the tag name. 

  • Click Manage Auto-Tags, then click the wrench icon next to the rule.

2. Edit the query for the Auto-Tag Rule and click Update Rule.

Rival IQ tags posts according to your new query, including removing the tag from posts that no longer match the new query.​

Post Tags added by an Auto-Tag Rule can be deleted if you don't want it on a post. Simply delete the tag from the post.

As long as Rival IQ is done applying post tags (notice the checkmark at the top right), the Post Tags table shows your most recent analysis. 

Auto-Tag Rules will continue to run while you're not using Rival IQ, so each time you come back to this table, you're seeing all the time you saved.

What's Next?

Continue to Part 3: Post Tag Advanced Filters.

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