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Social Post Search Tips

Search techniques and powerful example searches to refine your social post analysis.

Seth Bridges avatar
Written by Seth Bridges
Updated over a week ago

This article contains a guide to search techniques and powerful example searches to help you refine your social posts.


🔍 Search Techniques:

Search for a specific keyword

Type the keyword. Capitalization will be ignored
Example, social and Social will both match any post that contains the word social or Social or SOCIAL.

Match a phrase

Type the phrase within quotation marks

Example, “Facebook Insights” will only match posts where the description uses the exact phrase “Facebook Insights”. It will not match a post that says “Get better insights from Facebook” because the exact phrase was not used.

Match at least one of several keywords

Use OR in all caps to separate multiple keywords.

Example, twitter OR youtube will match posts with either keyword.

Match posts that contain multiple keywords.

Use AND in all caps.

Example, instagram AND facebook will only match posts that use both keywords in the post description.

Search for a hashtag or handle

Type in the hashtag (#) or at sign (@) before your keyword.

Example, #marketing OR #marketer
Example, @rivaliq

Exclude keywords

Use NOT in all caps before the keyword.
Example, NOT winter

Example, NOT “winter blues”

Match on any variation of a keyword

Use the * symbol in any part of a keyword.
Example, blog* will match blog or blogs. A search for Puppies AND blog* will return posts about blogs or blogging about puppies!

Adjust your search to Search By URL and simply type in your link.

(Note: this is not available for Auto-Tag Rules)


🙌 Example searches :

Copy and paste these searches we've created to find posts.

Search for posts mentioning you (replace with your handle)

@rival_iq OR rivaliq OR "Rival IQ"

Search for likely user generated content (UGC) posts

(📷OR "📷by" OR "📷 by" OR 📸OR "📸by" OR "📸 by" OR "image by" OR "images by" OR "pic by" OR "pics by" OR 📹 OR "📹by" OR "📹 by" OR 🎥 OR "🎥by" OR "🎥 by" OR "photo by" OR "photos by")

Search for contest posts

(giveaway OR "chance to win" OR "how to win" OR "enter to win" OR "pick a winner" OR "you can win" OR "you could win" OR "bio to enter" OR "contest ends" OR "entered to win" OR "rules to enter" OR (win AND "link in our bio"))

Search for all posts with hashtags


Search for posts without hashtags

NOT #*

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