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Rival IQ Terms and Definitions

A comprehensive glossary of terms you'll encounter in Rival IQ.

Written by Nate Barrett
Updated over 3 months ago

This article defines frequently used terms in the Rival IQ application




The volume of posts a company makes on one or more channels.


The number of followers a company has on different channels. The Landscape > Cross-Channel > Overview page displays the total number of followers across all social channels. This provides you with a frame of reference for your top channel in comparison with the landscape.

Breakout Post

A post that performs high above the average for a landscape. For more information, see What's a Breakout Post?


A company's unique URL in Rival IQ, usually the company's website. If the company doesn't have a website, you can create a company by specifying any of the following:

For more information about adding companies to a landscape, see Building Landscapes.

NOTE: If the same company appears in multiple landscapes in your account, Rival IQ counts it only once against your company limits.

Company Filters

Labels that you apply to a company to segment companies into groups for analysis. Filters can be any term or phrase, and you can apply one or more filters to a company. Learn more about customizing filters Organizing and Optimizing Your Landscape Setup.

Cross-Channel Metrics

Rival IQ tracks the following cross-channel metrics:

  • Audience: The total number of followers across all tracked social channels.

  • Posts: The total number of posts across all tracked social channels.

  • Posts/Day: The average number of posts per day across all of a company's tracked social channels during the selected time period.

  • Engagement Rate by Follower: The average number of interactions per post, per follower, on all posts published during the selected time period, across all social channels, expressed as a percentage. This value is weighted by the relative audience sizes for each company.

  • Amplification: The amplification engagement across tracked social channels, including Facebook Post Shares, Twitter Retweets, and TikTok Shares.

  • Applause: The applause engagement across all tracked social channels including Facebook Reactions, Instagram Likes, Twitter Likes, YouTube Likes, and TikTok Likes.

  • Conversation: The conversation engagement across tracked social channels including post comments on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (replies), YouTube, and TikTok.

Date Range

The period of time you select from which to analyze data for a company or landscape. This can be either a fixed number of days (March 2 to March 7), a relative number of days (the last 7 days), or a custom date range.

The maximum date range is 2 years. Note that companies may not have 2 years of data available for all metrics—Rival IQ begins tracking companies when they are added to the system. If you want more data than you see in your account, contact to request an extended data history pull.

Engagement Total and Engagement Rate

Metrics tracking actions that social media users take in response to posts by a social media handle.

  • Engagement Total is the the total number of "engagement actions" for a company or across all tracked social channels.

  • Engagement Rate by Follower is the number of engagement actions divided by follower count—this normalizes the activity between larger and smaller accounts.

For more information, see Understanding Engagement Rates.

Domain Authority

A proprietary metric maintained by Moz that predicts how well a domain will perform in search results. Learn more about this here.

Facebook metrics

Rival IQ tracks the following Facebook metrics:

  • Post Engagement Rate by Follower is the total number of interactions (likes, comments, and shares), per page like, with posts on a company's Facebook page during the currently selected time period.

  • Average Posts/Day is the average number of posts on a company's Facebook page per day during the selected time period.

  • Average Engagement Rate by Follower is the average number of interactions (likes, comments, and shares), per page like, with posts on a company's Facebook page during the selected time period.

  • Average Engagement Total per Post is the average number of interactions (likes, comments, and shares) with posts on this company's Facebook page during this time period.

  • Post Engagement Total is the total number of interactions (likes, comments, and shares) with posts on this company's Facebook page during this time period.

Instagram metrics

Rival IQ tracks the following Instagram metrics:

  • Average Posts/Day is the average total number of posts on a company's Instagram per day during the selected time period.

  • Post Engagement Rate by Follower, by Day is the total number of likes and comments, per follower, of posts on a company's Instagram channel during the selected time period.

  • Average Engagement Rate by Follower is the average number of interactions (likes and comments), per followers, of posts on a company's Instagram during the selected time period.

  • Post Engagement total is the total number of likes and comments on posts on this company's Instagram during the selected time period.

  • Average Engagement Total/Post is the average number of interactions (likes and comments) on posts on this company's Instagram during the selected time period.


A collection of companies to track for a comparative or competitive analysis campaign. You can set a highlight or focus company, such as your own company, and a set of filters to segment companies in the landscape. Use either multiple landscapes or company filters to organize the companies in your Rival IQ account. For instructions on edit a landscape, see Building Landscapes.

Meta Description

A brief description of your website that search engines use to create preview content. To learn more about meta descriptions, click here.

Notable Activity Alert

An email sent to subscribers of a landscape summarizing Breakout Posts and where your competitors have made big moves in positioning or metrics. You can receive this email up to once a day.

Social Rankings

The area in Rival IQ where you see a summary of key social metrics benchmarked against your competitors.

Social Summary

An email sent to subscribers of a landscape summarizing a week's worth of activity in that landscape. You will receive this email once a week.

Twitter metrics

Rival IQ tracks the following Twitter metrics:

  • Tweet Engagement Rate by Follower is the number of interactions (Retweets and likes), per follower, with a company's own Tweets during this time period.

  • Average Engagement Rate by Follower is the average number of interactions (retweets and likes), per follower, with a company's Tweets during the selected time period.

  • Average Tweets/Day is the average number of Tweets by a company per day during the selected time period.

  • Tweet Engagement Total is the total number of interactions (Retweets and likes) with this company's own Tweets during the selected time period.

  • Average Engagement Total/Tweet is the average number of interactions (Retweets and likes) with a company's Tweets during the selected time period.

YouTube metrics

Rival IQ tracks the following YouTube metrics:

  • Average Posts/Day is the average total number of posts on a company's YouTube channel per day during the selected time period.

  • Post Engagement Rate by Follower is the total number of likes, dislikes, and comments, per subscriber, for videos on a company's YouTube channel during the selected time period.

  • Average Engagement Rate by Follower is the average number of interactions (likes, dislikes, and comments), per subscriber, with videos on a company's YouTube channel during the selected time period.

  • Post Engagement Total is the total number of likes, dislikes, and comments for videos on a company's YouTube channel during the selected time period.

  • Average Engagement Total/Post is the average number of interactions (likes, dislikes, and comments) with videos on a company's YouTube channel during the selected time period.


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