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Discover Guide

Learn how to use Discover, a powerful search tool for Twitter and Instagram.

Written by Nate Barrett
Updated over 2 months ago

Discover searches content on Twitter and Instagram, looking outside your landscape so that you can find and analyze influencers, hashtags, and content in the broader social ecosystem.

Connecting Your Twitter or Instagram Account

Before you can use Discover, you must connect to a Twitter and/or Instagram account for the network you want to search. This enables Rival IQ to search on your behalf.

1. On the left navigation bar, navigate to Social Listening > Twitter Discover or Instagram Discover.

2. Click the Connect button and follow the prompts to connect your account.

Performing Searches

Simply enter the value you want to search on and click Go. For example, you can enter #mommyblogger to find influencers and posts related to mommy bloggers.

Rival IQ displays recent Tweets or posts that contain #mommyblogger.

Discover Search Syntax


Twitter search supports numerous operators for refining searches. The table below shows some commonly used operators. For a complete guide on searching for Tweets, see Twitter's full search syntax reference guide.





Specify a list of keywords to return only Tweets that contain all of the specified terms.

watching now

Exact match

Enclose a search phrase with quotation marks to return only Tweets that contain the specified words in the specified order.

"happy hour"


Specify a list of keywords separated by the OR operator to return Tweets containing any one of the specified terms.

love OR hate

Exclude terms

Specify a hyphen (-) before one or more search terms to exclude Tweets containing a specified term.

beer -root

Searches for Tweets containing "beer" but not "root."

Search hashtags

Specify a pound sign (#) before a term to search for Tweets containing a hashtag.


Search mentions

Specify an at sign (@) before a term to search for Tweets containing a mention.


Search a Twitter account

Specify from: followed by the name of a Twitter account to match Tweets in that account.



Search for Tweets published during a period of time within the last 7 days by specifying starting and ending dates using the since: and until: operators.

#marketing AND #bigdata since:2017-12-01 until:2017-12-04

Assuming today is December 6, the above example searches for Tweets containing #marketing and #bigdata between December 1 and 3.

Instagram Search Syntax

The search syntax for Instagram search in Discover is very basic.




Search posts for a hashtag

Search for posts matching the hashtag published within the last 24 hours.


Search posts for an account

Search for posts matching the account published within the last 24 hours.


Recommended Searches

In addition to running a search, you can use the Recommendations section under the search bar. These are searches about popular hashtags or competitors that Discover is recommending based on an analysis of your landscape. Just click one to get started.​

About Search Results

When Rival IQ runs a search, it looks for recent content that matches your request. It is important to note that Twitter and Instagram Discover function differently, such as the maximum amount of historical data you can access and the limit on posts. Understanding what Rival IQ is returning will help you interpret the results more effectively.



Maximum History

Maximum Posts


Twitter Search API

7 days


When running a popular query (such as a hashtag or handle), you might hit the 1,000 limit within a time range that covers a few hours or minutes.


Instagram Hashtag Search API



Those 500 posts could cover hours, days, or weeks, depending on the popularity of the hashtag you're searching for.

Text under the search box indicates the number of posts and time frame that the posts cover.

Analyzing Your Results

After you run a search, Rival IQ displays a report on the search results with the following sections:

  • Influencer (account)

  • Coincident Hashtags

  • Mentions

  • Common Phrases in Posts

  • Common Phrases in Bios

  • Most Engaging Posts

Here's an example for #mommyblogger. The At a Glance panel displays a search result summary and shows that 592 Tweets in the last week contained the hashtag. Around 227 users contributed these Tweets, and their Tweets earned an average engagement rate of 0.11%. The median follower count for influencers (accounts) using this hashtag is 509.

The Influencers panel displays influencers sorted by Potential Influence score. Rival IQ computes Potential Influence using engagement on data in this set of posts, Follower count, and number of Tweets to compute this score.

The Coincident Hashtags panel shows the most commonly used hashtags in this data set. Click View More in the lower right to access all of the hashtags and additional metrics.

The Mentions panel panel shows which handles were mentioned most commonly in the posts contained in this data set. The pie chart at the top of the panel gives a visual summary of the most mentioned handles. Click View More at the lower right to access all of the accounts mentioned in this data set and additional metrics.

The Common Phrases panel shows common phrases found in the body of Tweets in the data set. Only phrases used 3 or more times appear in this panel. The Common Terms in Bios panel displays common terms or phrases from the account bios for influencers in this data set.

The Most Engaging Posts panel contains posts returned by your search. You can sort it in a variety of ways and you can click View More at the lower right to access additional posts and metrics.

The Most Engaging Posts panel also features a grid layout for posts that contain images. Use the switch in the upper right to activate the grid layout.​

Post Previews

To see a preview of posts contributing to any row in your report, hover over the row to reveal a posts preview action. Click the eye icon to display a sample of posts behind the data.​

Filtering Your Result Set

Once you have your search results, you can filter them to get a better view of the data. Please note that filtering in the report does not search again against the platforms. Rather, it is filtering the result set you already have.

To filter you results set, hover on any row, and look for the filter icon. Clicking it will filter the entire dashboard to contain data that matches your selected filter. For example, in the screenshot below, I'm going to filter the entire #mommyblogger analysis to tweets that also contain #mommylife.​

After you activate a filter, you'll see it at the top of the page, next to the search box. Click the 'x' associated with the filter to clear the filter and return to your full data set.

Analyze Posts for a Single Account

To analyze posts from any account in more depth, hover over an influencer row to display the Analyze Account option. Click the option to open a new browser tab with a complete Discover analysis of posts from that account:

  • For Twitter, this analyzes all Tweets from that account during the last week.

  • For Instagram, this analyzes the most recent 500 posts, spanning whatever time period is required to hit the 500 post limit.

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