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Glossary of Metrics

Below is a comprehensive list of all the metrics and their definitions within our tool, sorted by platform.

Pykasu K avatar
Written by Pykasu K
Updated over a week ago

Cross-Channel Metrics

Cross-Channel : Engagement Details : Amplification : The amplification engagement across tracked social channels including Facebook Post Shares, Twitter Retweets, and TikTok Shares.

Cross-Channel : Engagement Details : Applause : The applause engagement across all tracked social channels including Facebook Reactions, Instagram Likes, Twitter Likes, YouTube Likes, and TikTok Likes.

Cross-Channel : Audience : Audience : The total number of followers across all tracked social channels.

Cross-Channel : Engagement Details : Conversation : The conversation engagement across tracked social channels including post comments on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok.

Cross-Channel : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Estimated Impression : The average number of social interactions, per post, per estimated impression, on posts published during the selected period, expressed as a percentage.

Cross-Channel : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Follower : The average number of interactions on your posts published during the selected time period, per post, per follower, expressed as a percentage.

Cross-Channel : Engagements : Engagement Total : The total number of engagement actions across all tracked social channels.

Cross-Channel : Engagements : Engagement Total / Day : The average number of interactions per day on posts (across all channels) published during the selected time period.

Cross-Channel : Engagements : Engagement Total / Post : The average number of interactions on any post published during this time period.

Cross-Channel : General : Estimated Impressions : An estimate of the number of impressions a post received. The estimate for YouTube and TikTok is the same as the number of views for the video.

Cross-Channel : Activity : Posts : The total number of posts across all tracked social channels.

Cross-Channel : Activity : Posts / Day : The average number of posts per day across all of this company's tracked social channels during the selected time period.

Cross-Channel : Activity : Posts / Week : The average number of posts published each week across all of this company's tracked social channels during the selected time period.

Cross-Channel : Video View Details : Video Views : The total number of video views for channels that make it available. Instagram does not make views publicly available.

Cross-Channel : Video View Details : Video Views / Day : The average number of video views per day on posts that this company published during the selected time period. Calculated by the number of video posts over number of days with a video post.

Cross-Channel : Video View Details : Video Views / Post : The average number of video views per post, for video posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook Metrics

Facebook : Engagements : Angrys : The number of angry reactions on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagement Details : Angrys / Day : The average number of angry reactions per day on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagements : Comments : The number of comments on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagement Details : Comments / Day : The average number of comments per day on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : General : Description : The About text provided by this company on Facebook.

Facebook : General : Description Length : The length in characters of the presence positioning.

Facebook : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Estimated Impression : The average number of social interactions, per post, per estimated impression, on posts published during the selected period, expressed as a percentage.

Facebook : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Follower : The average number of interactions (reactions, comments, and shares) per post, per follower, on all posts published during the selected time period, expressed as a percentage.

Facebook : Engagements : Engagement Total : The total number of interactions (reactions, comments, and shares) on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagements : Engagement Total / Day : The average total number of interactions (reactions, comments, and shares) per day on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagements : Engagement Total / Post : The average number of reactions, comments, and shares on any post published during this time period.

Facebook : General : Estimated Impressions : An estimate of the number of impressions a post received. The estimate for YouTube and TikTok is the same as the number of views for the video.

Facebook : Engagements : Hahas : The number of haha reactions on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagement Details : Hahas / Day : The average number of haha reactions per day on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagement Details : Likely Boosted Posts : The total number of likely boosted posts during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagements : Likes : The number of reactions on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagement Details : Likes / Day : The average number of reactions per day on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagements : Loves : The number of love reactions on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagement Details : Loves / Day : The average number of love reactions per day on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : Audience : Page Fans : The total number of Page Fans for this company on Facebook. If a company is in a global page hierarchy, this is the global Page Fans count.

Facebook : Audience : Page Followers : The number of people who like and follow this company on Facebook.

Facebook : Activity : Posts : The total number of posts during the selected time period.

Facebook : Activity : Posts / Day : The average number of posts per day during the selected time period.

Facebook : Activity : Posts / Week : The average number of posts published each week during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagements : Reactions : The number of reactions on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagement Details : Reactions / Day : The average number of reactions per day on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagements : Sads : The number of sad reactions on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagement Details : Sads / Day : The average number of sad reactions per day on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagements : Shares : The number of shares on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagement Details : Shares / Day : The average number of shares per day on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagement Details : Talking About : The number of people talking about this company on Facebook (PTAT).

Facebook : Engagement Details : Video Post Views : The number of views on video posts published during the selected time period, not aggregated with any other crossposts of the videos.

Facebook : Engagement Details : Video Views : The number of views on video posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagements : Wows : The number of wow reactions on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook : Engagement Details : Wows / Day : The average number of wow reactions per day on posts published during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Angrys : The total number of organic and paid angrys on posts and Reels published during the selected time period, including angrys on shares of posts.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Angrys / Post : The average number of angrys on any post/Reel, published during the selected time period, including angrys on shares of posts.

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Average Percent Viewed / Video : The average percent of any video post watched, for any post published during the selected time period. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reel Details : Average Watch Length / Reel : The average amount of time Reels were watched, for any Reel published during the selected time period. Because this metric includes replays, the value can be greater than the total length of the Reel.

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Average Watch Length / Video : The average amount of time video posts were watched, for any post published during the selected time period. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Reels and Videos : Average Watch Length, Reels and Videos : The average amount of time Videos and Reels were watched for any Video or Reel published during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Comments : The total number of organic and paid comments and replies to comments on posts and Reels published during the selected time period, including comments on shares of posts.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Comments / Post : The average number of organic and paid comments and replies to comments on any post/Reel published during the selected time period, including comments on shares of posts.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Comments / Post, Organic : The average number of organic comments and replies to comments on any post published during the selected time period, including comments on shares of posts. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Comments / Post, Paid : The average number of paid comments and replies to comments on any post published during the selected time period, including comments on shares of posts. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Comments / Post, Post-only : The average number of organic and paid comments and replies to comments on any post published during the selected time period, excluding comments on shared instances. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Comments, Organic : The total number of organic comments and replies to comments on posts published during the selected time period, including comments on shares of posts. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Comments, Paid : The total number of paid comments and replies to comments on posts published during the selected time period, including comments on shares of posts. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Comments, Post-only : The total number of organic and paid comments and replies to comments on posts published during the selected time period, excluding comments on shares of posts. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Consumptions / Post, via Ads : The number of post clicks (link clicks, photo views, video plays, other clicks) on any post, as reported by Facebook Ads.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Consumptions / Post, via Insights : The number of post clicks (link clicks, photo views, video plays, other clicks) on any post, as reported by Facebook Insights.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Direction Clicks : Number of logged in Facebook users who clicked the Get Directions button.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Engaged Non-Page Fans / Post : The average number of non-Page Fans who reacted, commented, shared, or clicked on any post published during the selected time period. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Engaged Page Fans / Post : The average number of Page Fans who reacted, commented, shared, or clicked on any post published during the selected time period. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Engaged Users / Post : The average number of people who reacted, commented, shared, or clicked on any post published during the selected time period. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Impression : The average number of organic and paid engagements, per post, per impression, on any post/Reel published during the selected time period. This is calculated as Engagement Total (consumptions, reactions, comments, replies to comments, and shares on posts/Reels, and shares of posts) divided by impressions, expressed as a percentage.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Page Fan : The average number of organic and paid engagements, per post, per Page Fan, on any post published during the selected time period. This is calculated as Engagement Total (consumptions, reactions, comments, replies to comments, shares on posts, and shares of posts) divided by Page Fans, expressed as a percentage. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Reach : The average number of organic and paid engagements, per post per unique impression, on any post/Reel published during the selected time period. This is calculated as Engagement Total (consumptions, reactions, comments, replies to comments, and shares on posts and Reels, and shares of posts and Reels) divided by Reach, expressed as a percentage.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Engagement Total : The total organic and paid consumptions, reactions, comments, replies to comments, and shares on posts and Reels published during the selected time period, including engagement on shares of posts.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Engagement Total / Post : The average number of organic and paid consumptions, reactions, comments, replies to comments, and shares on any post/Reel published during the selected time period, including engagement on shares of posts.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Facebook Engagement Rate : The percentage of unique users who saw this post and then engaged with it, for posts published during the selected time period. Facebook reports this as Engagement Rate in their native insights, and calculates it as Reach divided by Engaged Users, expressed as a percentage. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Fan Adds : The total number of new Page Fans gained during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Fan Adds / Day, Organic, Unique : The average number of new Page Fans gained organically, per day, during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Fan Adds / Day, Paid, Unique : The average number new paid Page Fans gained per day during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Fan Adds / Day, Unique : The average number of unique Page Fans gained per day during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Fan Impressions / Post : The average number of times any organic or paid post published during the selected time period was viewed by Page Fans. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Fan Impressions / Post, Paid : The average number of times any paid post published during the selected time period was viewed by Page Fans. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Fan Post Impressions : The total number of times any organic or paid post published during the selected time period was viewed by Page Fans. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Fan Post Impressions, Paid : The total number of times any paid post published during the selected time period was viewed by Page Fans. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Fan Reach / Post : The average number of Page Fans that viewed any post published during the selected time period. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Fan Reach / Post, Paid : The average number of Page Fans that viewed any paid post published during the selected time period. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Fan Removes : The total number of Page Fans lost during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Fan Removes / Day, Unique : The average number of unique Page Fans lost during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Hahas : The total number of organic and paid hahas on posts and Reels published during the selected time period, including hahas on shared instances.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Hahas / Post : The average number of organic and paid hahas on any post/Reel published during the selected time period, including hahas on shared instances.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Impressions / Post : The average number of times your Page's post entered a person's screen for posts published during the selected time period. Posts include Reels, statuses, photos, links, videos and more. This includes paid and organic impressions.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Impressions / Post, Organic : The average number of times your Page's posts entered a person's screen through unpaid distribution for posts published during the selected time period. This includes viral and non-viral impressions.

Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Impressions / Post, Organic, Non-Viral : The average number of times your Page's post entered a person's screen through organic, non-viral distribution for posts published during the selected time period. A viral impression occurs when your Page appears on someone’s Newsfeed because their friend engaged with your content. This metric is not available for Pages using the New Page Experience. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Impressions / Post, Organic, Viral : The average number of times your Page's post entered a person's screen through organic, viral distribution for posts and Reels published during the selected time period. A viral impression occurs when your Page appears on someone’s Newsfeed because their friend engaged with your content. This metric is not available for Pages using the New Page Experience. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Impressions / Post, Paid : The average number of times your Page's post entered a person's screen through paid distribution for posts published during the selected time period. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Likes : The total number of organic and paid likes on posts and Reels published during the selected time period, including likes on shared instances.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Likes / Post : The average number of organic and paid likes on any post/Reel published during the selected time period, including likes on shared instances.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Link Clicks / Post, via Ads : The number of link clicks on any post, as reported by Facebook Ads.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Link Clicks / Post, via Insights : The number of link clicks on any post, as reported by Facebook Insight.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Link Clicks, via Ads : The total number of link clicks, as reported by Facebook Ads.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Link clicks, via Insights : The total number of

link clicks, as reported by Facebook Insights.

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Live Video Viewers / Video : The average number of unique users who viewed any live post published during the selected time period. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Loves : The total number of organic and paid loves on posts and Reels published during the selected time period, including loves on shared instances.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Loves / Post : The average number of organic and paid loves on any post/Reel published during the selected time period, including loves on shared instances.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Negative Feedback : The total number of negative actions (post hides, hides of all posts, reports of spam, unlikes of Page) taken on posts published during the selected time period. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Negative Feedback / Post : The average number of negative actions (post hides, hides of all posts, reports of spam, unlikes of Page) taken any post published during the selected time period. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Negative Feedback / Post, Unique : The average number of unique users who took a negative action (post hides, hides of all posts, reports of spam, unlikes of Page) on any post published during the selected time period. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Other Clicks / Post, via Ads : The number of other clicks (page title clicks, clicks to “see more”) on any post, as reported by Facebook Ads.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Other Clicks / Post, via Insights : The number of other clicks (page title clicks, clicks to “see more”) on any post, as reported by Facebook Insights.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Other Clicks, via Ads : The total number of other clicks (page title clicks, clicks to “see more”), as reported by Facebook Ads.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Other Clicks, via Insights : The total number of other clicks (page title clicks, clicks to “see more”), as reported by Facebook Insights.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Page CTA Clicks : The total number of CTA button clicks, phone call clicks, direction clicks, and website clicks on this Page during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Page CTA Clicks / Day : The average number of CTA button clicks, phone call clicks, direction clicks, and website clicks on this Page each day during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans : The total number of Page Fans during the selected time period. If this Page is in a global page hierarchy, this is the number of regional Page Fans.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Female 13-17 : The number of women aged 13-17 that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Female 18-24 : The number of women aged 18-24 that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Female 25-34 : The number of women aged 25-34 that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Female 35-44 : The number of women aged 35-44 that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Female 45-54 : The number of women aged 45-54 that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Female 55-64 : The number of women aged 55-64 that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Female 65+ : The number of women aged 65+ that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Male 13-17 : The number of men aged 13-17 that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Male 18-24 : The number of men aged 18-24 that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Male 25-34 : The number of men aged 25-34 that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Male 35-44 : The number of men aged 35-44 that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Male 45-54 : The number of men aged 45-54 that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Male 55-64 : The number of men aged 55-64 that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Male 65+ : The number of men aged 65+ that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Unspecified 13-17 : The number of gender-unspecified persons aged 13-17 that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Unspecified 18-24 : The number of gender-unspecified persons aged 18-24 that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Unspecified 25-34 : The number of gender-unspecified persons aged 25-34 that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Unspecified 35-44 : The number of gender-unspecified persons aged 35-44 that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Unspecified 45-54 : The number of gender-unspecified persons aged 45-54 that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Unspecified 55-64 : The number of gender-unspecified persons aged 55-64 that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Unspecified 65+ : The number of gender-unspecified persons aged 65+ that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Female : The number of women that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Male : The number of men that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Audience : Page Fans, Unspecified : The number of gender-unspecified persons that have become fans of this company on Facebook.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Page Views : The total number of times this Page was viewed during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Page Views / Day : The average number of times each day this Page was viewed.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Phone Call Clicks : Number of logged in to Facebook users who clicked the Call Now button.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Photo Views : The total number of photo views, as reported by Facebook Insights.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Photo Views / Post, via Ads : The number of photo views on any post, as reported by Facebook Ads.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Photo Views / Post, via Insights : The number of photo views on any post, as reported by Facebook Insights.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Photo Views, via Ads : The total number of photo views, as reported by Facebook Ads.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Post Consumptions, via Ads : The total number of post clicks (link clicks, photo views, video plays, other clicks), as reported by Facebook Ads.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Post Consumptions, via Insights : The total number of post clicks (link clicks, photo views, video plays, other clicks) , as reported by Facebook Insights.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Post Impressions : The number of times your Page's post entered a person's screen for posts published during the selected time period. Posts include Reels, statuses, photos, links, videos and more. This includes paid and organic impressions.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Post Impressions, Organic : The number of times your Page's posts entered a person's screen through unpaid distribution for posts and Reels published during the selected time period. This includes viral and non-viral impressions.

Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Post Impressions, Organic, Non-Viral : The number of times your Page's post entered a person's screen through organic, non-viral distribution for posts published during the selected time period. A viral impression occurs when your Page appears on someone’s Newsfeed because their friend engaged with your content. This metric is not available for Pages using the New Page Experience. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Post Impressions, Organic, Viral : The number of times your Page's post entered a person's screen through organic, viral distribution for posts published during the selected time period. A viral impression occurs when your Page appears on someone’s Newsfeed because their friend engaged with your content. This metric is not available for Pages using the New Page Experience. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Post Impressions, Paid : The number of times your Page's post entered a person's screen through paid distribution for posts published during the selected time period. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Activity : Posts : The total number of posts and Reels published during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Activity : Posts / Day : The average number of posts and Reels and Reels published each day in the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Activity : Posts / Week : The average number of posts and Reels published each week in the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Presence 10-Second Video Viewers / Day : The average number of unique users who viewed a video outside of the first play for at least 10 seconds each day, during the selected time period. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Presence 10-second Video Views : The total number of organic and paid video views that lasted at least 10 seconds during the selected time period. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Presence 10-second Video Views Repeats : The total number of video views outside of the first play that lasted at least 10 seconds during the selected time period. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Presence 10-second Video Views, Organic : The total number of organic video views that lasted at least 10 seconds during the selected time period. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Presence 10-second Video Views, Paid : The total number of paid video views that lasted at least 10 seconds during the selected time period. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Presence Consumption Rate by Impression : The average post consumptions per impression during the selected time period. This is calculated by the Presence Consumptions (link clicks, photo views, video plays, other clicks) received, divided by Presence Post Impressions, expressed as a percentage. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Presence Consumptions : The total number of clicks (link clicks, photo views, video plays, other clicks) on posts and Reels during the selected time period. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Presence Consumptions / Day, Unique : The average number of users who clicked (link clicks, photo views, video plays, other clicks) on a post on any day during the selected time period. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Presence Engaged Users / Day : The average number of unique users that engaged with the Page and any content from the Page each day during the selected time period. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Impressions : The number of times any content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen during the selected time period. This includes posts and Reels, stories, ads, as well other content or information on your Page. This includes paid and organic impressions. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Impressions / Day : The average number of times per day any content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen during the selected time period. This includes posts, stories, ads, as well other content or information on your Page. This includes paid and organic impressions. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Impressions / Day, Organic : The average number of times per day any post or story content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen through unpaid distribution during the selected time period. This includes viral and non-viral impressions. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Impressions / Day, Organic, Non-Viral : The average number of times per day any post or story content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen through organic, non-viral distribution during the selected time period. A viral impression occurs when your Page appears on someone’s Newsfeed because their friend engaged with your content. This metric is not available for Pages using the New Page Experience. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Impressions / Day, Organic, Viral : The average number of times per day any post or story content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen through organic, viral distribution during the selected time period. A viral impression occurs when your Page appears on someone’s Newsfeed because their friend engaged with your content. This metric is not available for Pages using the New Page Experience. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Impressions / Day, Paid : The average number of times per day any post or story content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen through paid distribution during the selected time period. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Impressions, Organic : The number of times any post or story content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen through unpaid distribution during the selected time period. This includes viral and non-viral impressions. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Impressions, Organic, Non-Viral : The number of times any post or story content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen through organic, non-viral distribution during the selected time period. A viral impression occurs when your Page appears on someone’s Newsfeed because their friend engaged with your content. This metric is not available for Pages using the New Page Experience. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Impressions, Organic, Viral : The number of times any post or story content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen through organic, viral distribution during the selected time period. A viral impression occurs when your Page appears on someone’s Newsfeed because their friend engaged with your content. This metric is not available for Pages using the New Page Experience. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Impressions, Paid : The number of times any post or story content from your Page or about your Page entered a person's screen through paid distribution during the selected time period. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Presence Link Click Consumptions : The total number of link clicks during the selected time period. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Presence Link Consumptions / Day, Unique : The average number of users who clicked links each day during the selected time period. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Presence Negative Feedback : The total number of negative actions (post hides, hides of all posts, reports of spam, unlikes of Page) taken during the selected time period. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Presence Negative Feedback / Day, Unique : The average number of users that took a negative action (post hides, hides of all posts, reports of spam, unlikes of Page) during the selected time period. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Presence Other Click Consumptions : The total number of page title clicks and clicks to “see more” during the selected time period. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Presence Other Click Consumptions / Day, Unique : The average number of users who clicked page titles or “see more” each day during the selected time period. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Presence Photo View Consumptions : The total number of photo views during the selected time period. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Presence Photo View Consumptions / Day, Unique : The average number of users who clicked to view photos each day during the selected time period. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Post Impressions : The number of times your Page's posts entered a person's screen during the selected time period. This includes paid and organic impressions. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Post Impressions / Day : The average number of times per day your Page's posts entered a person's screen during the selected time period. This includes paid and organic impressions. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Post Impressions / Day, Organic : The average number of times per day your Page's posts entered a person's screen through unpaid distribution during the selected time period. This includes viral and non-viral impressions. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Post Impressions / Day, Organic, Non-Viral : The average number of times per day your Page's posts entered a person's screen through organic, non-viral distribution during the selected time period. A viral impression occurs when your Page appears on someone’s Newsfeed because their friend engaged with your content. This metric is not available for Pages using the New Page Experience. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Post Impressions / Day, Organic, Viral : The average number of times per day your Page's posts entered a person's screen through organic, viral distribution during the selected time period. A viral impression occurs when your Page appears on someone’s Newsfeed because their friend engaged with your content. This metric is not available for Pages using the New Page Experience. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Post Impressions / Day, Paid : The average number of times per day your Page's posts entered a person's screen through paid distribution during the selected time period. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Post Impressions, Organic : The number of times your Page's posts entered a person's screen through unpaid distribution during the selected time period. This includes viral and non-viral impressions. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Post Impressions, Organic, Non-Viral : The number of times your Page's posts entered a person's screen through organic, non-viral distribution during the selected time period. A viral impression occurs when your Page appears on someone’s Newsfeed because their friend engaged with your content. This metric is not available for Pages using the New Page Experience. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Post Impressions, Organic, Viral : The number of times your Page's posts entered a person's screen through organic, viral distribution during the selected time period. A viral impression occurs when your Page appears on someone’s Newsfeed because their friend engaged with your content. This metric is not available for Pages using the New Page Experience. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Impressions : Presence Post Impressions, Paid : The number of times your Page's posts entered a person's screen through paid distribution during the selected time period Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Post Reach / Day : The number of times your Page's post entered a person's screen through paid distribution for posts published during the selected time period. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Post Reach / Day, Organic : The average number of non-Page Fans who reacted, commented, shared, or clicked on any post published during the selected time period. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Post Reach / Day, Organic, Non-Viral : The average number of Page Fans who reacted, commented, shared, or clicked on any post published during the selected time period. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Post Reach / Day, Organic, Viral : The average number of people who reacted, commented, shared, or clicked on any post published during the selected time period. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Post Reach / Day, Paid : The percentage of unique users who saw this post and then engaged with it, for posts published during the selected time period. Facebook reports this as Engagement Rate in their native insights, and calculates it as Reach divided by Engaged Users, expressed as a percentage. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day : The total number of negative actions (post hides, hides of all posts and Reels, reports of spam, unlikes of Page) taken on posts published during the selected time period. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Female 13-17 : The average daily unique number of women aged 13-17 that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Female 18-24 : The average daily unique number of women aged 18-24 that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Female 25-34 : The average daily unique number of women aged 25-34 that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Female 35-44 : The average daily unique number of women aged 35-44 that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Female 45-54 : The average daily unique number of women aged 45-54 that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Female 55-64 : The average daily unique number of women aged 55-64 that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Female 65+ : The average daily unique number of women aged 65+ that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Male 13-17 : The average daily unique number of men aged 13-17 that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Male 18-24 : The average daily unique number of men aged 18-24 that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Male 25-34 : The average daily unique number of men aged 25-34 that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Male 35-44 : The average daily unique number of men aged 35-44 that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Male 45-54 : The average daily unique number of men aged 45-54 that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Male 55-64 : The average daily unique number of men aged 55-64 that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Male 65+ : The average daily unique number of men aged 65+ that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Unspecified 13-17 : The average daily unique number of gender-unspecified persons aged 13-17 that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Unspecified 18-24 : The average daily unique number of gender-unspecified persons aged 18-24 that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Unspecified 25-34 : The average daily unique number of gender-unspecified persons aged 25-34 that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Unspecified 35-44 : The average daily unique number of gender-unspecified persons aged 35-44 that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Unspecified 45-54 : The average daily unique number of gender-unspecified persons aged 45-54 that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Unspecified 55-64 : The average daily unique number of gender-unspecified persons aged 55-64 that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Unspecified 65+ : The average daily unique number of gender-unspecified persons aged 65+ that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Female : The average daily unique number of women that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Male : The average daily unique number of men that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Organic : The average number of unique users per day who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen through unpaid distribution during the selected time period. This includes viral and non-viral reach. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Organic, Non-Viral : The average number of unique users per day who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen through organic, non-viral distribution during the selected time period. Viral reach occurs when your Page appears on someone’s Newsfeed because their friend engaged with your content. This metric is not available for Pages using the New Page Experience. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Organic, Viral : The average number of unique users per day who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen through organic, viral distribution during the selected time period. Viral reach occurs when your Page appears on someone’s Newsfeed because their friend engaged with your content. This metric is not available for Pages using the New Page Experience. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Paid : The average number of unique users per day who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen through paid distribution during the selected time period. Presence level metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Unspecified : The average daily

unique number of gender-unspecified persons that your page reached on Facebook during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Presence Video Play Consumptions : The total number of video plays during the selected time period. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Presence Video Play Consumptions / Day, Unique : The average number of users who clicked to play videos each day during the selected time period. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Presence Video View Repeats : The total number of video views outside of the first play during the selected time period. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Presence Video Viewers / Day : The average number of unique users who watched a video on any day during the selected time period. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Presence Video Views : The total number of organic and paid video views during the selected time period. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Presence Video Views / Day : The average number of organic and paid video views per day during the selected time period. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Presence Video Views / Day, Organic : The average number of organic video views per day during the selected time period, Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Presence Video Views / Day, Paid : The average number of paid video views per day during the selected time period. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Presence Video Views, Organic : The total number of organic video views during the selected time period. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Presence Video Views, Paid : The total number of paid video views during the selected time period. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Reach : Reach / Post : The average number of unique users who had your Page's post enter their screen for posts published during the selected time period. Posts include Reels, statuses, photos, links, videos and more. This includes paid and organic reach.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Reach / Post, Organic : The average number of unique users who had your Page's post enter their screen through unpaid distribution for posts published during the selected time period. This includes viral and non-viral reach. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Reach / Post, Organic, Non-Viral : The average number of unique users who had your Page's post enter their screen through organic, non-viral distribution for posts and Reels published during the selected time period. Viral reach occurs when your Page appears on someone’s Newsfeed because their friend engaged with your content. This metric is not available for Pages using the New Page Experience. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Reach / Post, Organic, Viral : The average number of unique users who had your Page's post enter their screen through organic, viral distribution for posts published during the selected time period. Viral reach occurs when your Page appears on someone’s Newsfeed because their friend engaged with your content. This metric is not available for Pages using the New Page Experience. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Reach / Post, Paid : The average number of unique users who had your Page's post enter their screen through paid distribution for posts published during the selected time period. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reel Details : Reach / Reel : The average number of people who saw your reel at least once, whether or not the person played your reel, for Reels published during the selected time period. This metric is different from impressions, which includes multiple views of your reel by the same person. Facebook estimates this metric.

Facebook Insights : Reach : Reach Rate by Page Fan : The average percentage of Page Fans that viewed any post published during the selected time period. This is calculated by the Fan Reach on posts, divided by Page Fans, expressed as a percentage. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Reactions : The total number of organic and paid likes, loves, hahas, wows, sads, and angrys on posts and Reels published during the selected time period, including reactions on shared instances.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Reactions / Post : The average number of organic and paid likes, loves, hahas, wows, sads, and angrys on any post/Reel published during the selected time period, including reactions on shared instances

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Reactions / Post, Organic : The average number of organic likes, loves, hahas, wows, sads, and angrys on any post published during the selected time period, including reactions on shares of posts. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Reactions / Post, Paid : The average number of paid likes, loves, hahas, wows, sads, and angrys on any post published during the selected time period, including reactions on shares of posts. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Reactions / Post, Post-only : The average number of organic and paid likes, loves, hahas, wows, sads, and angrys on any post published during the selected time period, excluding reactions on shares of posts. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Reactions, Organic : The total number of organic likes, loves, hahas, wows, sads, and angrys on posts published during the selected time period, including reactions on shares of posts. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Reactions, Paid : The total number of paid likes, loves, hahas, wows, sads, and angrys on posts published during the selected time period, including reactions on shares of posts. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Reactions, Post-only : The total number of organic and paid likes, loves, hahas, wows, sads, and angrys on posts published during the selected time period, excluding reactions on shares of posts. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reel Details : Reel Views : The number of times your Reel starts to play after an impression is already counted. This metric counts Reels sessions with 1 millisecond or more of playback. This metric excludes replays.

Facebook Insights : Reel Details : Reels : The total number of Reels published during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Reel Details : Reels Total Time Viewed : The amount of time your reel played, including time spent replaying your reel.

Facebook Insights : Reels and Videos : Reels and Videos : The total number of Reels or Videos published during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Sads : The total number of organic and paid sads on posts and Reels published during the selected time period, including sads on shared instances.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Sads / Post : The average number of organic and paid sads on any post/Reel published during the selected time period, including sads on shared instances.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Shares : The total number of shares on posts and Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Shares / Post : The average number of organic and paid shares on any post/Reel published during the selected time period, including shares on shared instances.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Shares / Post, Organic : The average number of organic shares on any post published during the selected time period, including shares on shares of posts. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Shares / Post, Paid : The average number of paid shares on any post published during the selected time period, including shares on shares of posts. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Shares / Post, Post-only : The average number of organic and paid shares on any post published during the selected time period, excluding shares on shares of posts. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Shares, Organic : The total number of organic shares on posts published during the selected time period, including shares on shares of posts. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Shares, Paid : The total number of shares on paid posts published during the selected time period, including shares on shares of posts. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Shares, Post-only : The total number of organic and paid shares on posts published during the selected time period, excluding shares on shares of posts. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Rate by Impression : The average number of organic and paid reactions, comments, replies to comments, and shares, per post, per impression, on posts/Reels published during the selected time period. This is calculated by Social Engagement Total on posts/Reels, divided by impressions, expressed as a percentage. Consumptions are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Rate by Impression, Organic : The average number of organic social reactions, comments, replies to comments, and shares, per post, per organic impression, on posts published during the selected time period. This is calculated by organic Social Engagement Total divided by organic impressions, expressed as a percentage. Consumptions are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Rate by Impression, Paid : The average number of paid social reactions, comments, replies to comments, and shares, per post, per paid impression, on posts published during the selected time period. This is calculated by paid Social Engagement Total, divided by paid impressions, expressed as a percentage. Consumptions are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Rate by Page Fan : The average number of organic and paid social reactions, comments, replies to comments, and shares, per post, per Page Fan, on posts published during the selected time period. This is calculated by Social Engagement Total on posts, divided by Page Fans, expressed as a percentage. Consumptions are not included in Social Engagement calculations. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Rate by Reach : The average number of organic and paid reactions, comments, replies to comments, and shares, per post, per unique user, on posts and Reels published during the selected time period. This is calculated by Social Engagement Total on posts and Reels, divided by Reach, expressed as a percentage. Consumptions are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Rate by Reach, Organic : The average number of organic social reactions, comments, replies to comments, and shares, per post, per unique user, on posts published during the selected time period. This is calculated by organic Social Engagement Total divided by organic Reach, expressed as a percentage. Consumptions are not included in Social Engagement calculations. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Rate by Reach, Paid : The average number of paid social reactions, comments, replies to comments, and shares, per post, per unique user, on posts published during the selected time period. This is calculated by paid Social Engagement Total, divided by paid Reach, expressed as a percentage. Consumptions are not included in Social Engagement calculations. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Total : The total organic and paid reactions, comments, replies to comments, and shares on posts and Reels published during the selected time period, including social engagement on shares of posts. Consumptions are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Total / Post : The average number of organic and paid reactions, comments, replies to comments, and shares on any post/Reel published during the selected time period, including engagement on shares of posts. Consumptions are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Total / Post, Organic : The average number of organic reactions, comments, replies to comments, and shares on any post published during the selected time period, including social engagement on shares of posts. Consumptions are not included in Social Engagement calculations. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Total / Post, Paid : The average number of paid reactions, comments, replies to comments, and shares on any post published during the selected time period, including social engagement on shares of posts. Consumptions are not included in Social Engagement calculations. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Total / Post, Post-only : The average number of organic and paid reactions, comments, replies to comments, and shares on any post published during the selected time period, excluding social engagement on shares of posts. Consumptions are not included in Social Engagement calculations. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Total, Organic : The total organic reactions, comments, replies to comments, and shares on posts and Reels published during the selected time period, including social engagement on shares of posts. Consumptions are not included in Social Engagement calculations. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Total, Paid : The total paid reactions, comments, replies to comments, and shares on posts published during the selected time period, including social engagement on shares of posts. Consumptions are not included in Social Engagement calculations. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Total, Post-only : The total organic and paid reactions, comments, replies to comments, and shares on posts published during the selected time period, excluding social engagement on shares of posts. Consumptions are not included in Social Engagement calculations. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reels and Videos : Total Time Viewed, Reels and Videos : The amount of time Videos and Reels were watched, for any Video or Reel published during the selected time period.

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video Length / Video : The average length of video posts published during the selected time period. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Video Plays / Post, via Ads : The number of video plays on any post, as reported by Facebook Ads. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Video Plays / Post, via Insights : The number of video plays on any post, as reported by Facebook Insights. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Video Plays, via Ads : The total number of video plays, as reported by Facebook Ads. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Video Plays, via Insights : The total number of

video plays, as reported by Facebook Insights. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video View Length : The total time organic and paid video posts published during the selected time period were played, including video views lasting less than 3 seconds and replays. This does not include video views on shared videos. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video View Length / Video : The total time the video or Reel was played, including replays. This does not include views on shares of videos.

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video View Length / Video, Organic : The average time any organic video post published during the selected time period was played, including video views lasting less than 3 seconds and replays. This does not include video views on shared videos. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video View Length / Video, Paid : The average time any paid video post published during the selected time period was played, including video views lasting less than 3 seconds and replays. This does not include video views on shared videos. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video View Length, Organic : The total time organic video posts published during the selected time period were played, including video views lasting less than 3 seconds and replays. This does not include video views on shared videos. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video View Length, Paid : The total time paid video posts published during the selected time period were played, including video views lasting less than 3 seconds and replays. This does not include video views on shared videos. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video View Rate by Impression : The average

number of video views per impression on any video post published during the selected time period. This is calculated by the total number of video views (Video Views), divided by the total number of impressions (Impressions) on video posts, expressed as a percentage. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video Viewers / Video : The average number of unique users who viewed any organic and paid video post published during the selected time period for at least 3 seconds. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video Viewers / Video, Organic : The average number of unique users who viewed any organic video post published during the selected time period for at least 3 seconds. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video Viewers / Video, Paid : The average number of unique users who viewed any paid video post published during the selected time period for at least 3 seconds. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video Views : The total number of times organic and paid video posts published during the selected time period were watched for at least 3 seconds.

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video Views / Video : The average number of times any organic and paid video post published during the selected time period was watched for at least 3 seconds. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video Views / Video, Organic : The average number of times any video post published during the selected time period was watched organic for at least 3 seconds. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video Views / Video, Paid : The average number of times video posts were watched for more than 3 seconds, with paid promotion. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video Views to 95% : The total number of times the video was viewed to 95% of its length, organically and while it was a paid ad, including views that skipped to this point. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video Views to 95% / Video : The average number of times videos were viewed to 95% of their length, including views that skipped to that point. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video Views to 95% / Video, Organic : The average number of times videos were viewed to 95% of their length, including views that skipped to that point, without any paid promotion. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video Views to 95% / Video, Paid : The average number of times videos were viewed to 95% of their length, including views that skipped to that point, with paid promotion. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video Views to 95%, Organic : The total number of times videos were viewed to 95% of their length, including views that skipped to that point, without any paid promotion. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video Views to 95%, Paid : The total number of times videos were viewed to 95% of their length, including views that skipped to that point, with paid promotion. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video Views, Organic : The total number of times video posts published during the selected time period were watched organic for at least 3 seconds. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Video Views, Paid : The total number of times paid video posts published during the selected time period were watched for at least 3 seconds. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels

Facebook Insights : Video View Details : Videos : The total number of videos published during the selected time period. Facebook Video metrics do not include Reels.

Facebook Insights : Reels and Videos : Views, Reels and Videos : The total number of times a Reel or Video published during the selected time period were watched. Video watches counted after 3 seconds. Reels counted after 1 millisecond.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Website Clicks : Number of logged in Facebook users who clicked the goto website CTA button. Facebook does not make this data available for Reels.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Wows : The total number of organic and paid wows on posts and Reels published during the selected time period, including wows on shared instances.

Facebook Insights : Engagement Details : Wows / Post : The average number of organic and paid wows on any post/Reel published during the selected time period, including wows on shared instances.

Instagram Metrics

Instagram : Engagement Details : Comments : The number of comments on posts published on this company's Instagram during the selected time period.

Instagram : Engagement Details : Comments / Day : The average number of comments per day on posts published on this company's Instagram during the selected time period.

Instagram : Engagement Details : Comments / Post : The average number of comments per post, for posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram : General : Description : The Bio provided by this company on Instagram.

Instagram : General : Description Length : The length in characters of the presence positioning.

Instagram : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Estimated Impression : The average number of social interactions, per post, per estimated impression, on posts published during the selected period, expressed as a percentage.

Instagram : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Follower : The average number of interactions (likes and comments) per post, per follower, on all posts published during the selected time period, expressed as a percentage.

Instagram : Engagements : Engagement Total : The total number of likes and comments on posts published on this company's Instagram during the selected time period.

Instagram : Engagements : Engagement Total / Day : The average total number of likes and comments per day on posts published on this company's Instagram during the selected time period.

Instagram : Engagements : Engagement Total / Post : The average number of likes and comments on any post published during this time period.

Instagram : General : Estimated Impressions : An estimate of the number of impressions a post received. The estimate for YouTube and TikTok is the same as the number of views for the video.

Instagram : Audience : Followers : The number of people following this company on Instagram.

Instagram : Audience : Followers / Following Ratio : The ratio of followers to following for this company.

Instagram : Audience : Following : The total number of accounts this company follows on Instagram.

Instagram : General : Full Name : The full name provided by this company on Instagram.

Instagram : General : Full Name Length : The length in characters of the full name provided by this company on Instagram.

Instagram : Engagement Details : Likes : The number of likes on posts published on this company's Instagram during the selected time period.

Instagram : Engagement Details : Likes / Day : The average number of likes per day on posts published on this company's Instagram during the selected time period.

Instagram : Engagement Details : Likes / Post : The average number of likes per post, for posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram : Activity : Posts : The total number of posts on this company's Instagram during the selected time period.

Instagram : Activity : Posts / Day : The average total number of posts published per day on this company's Instagram during the selected time period.

Instagram : Activity : Posts / Week : The average number of posts published each week on this company's Instagram during the selected time period.

Instagram : Activity : Posts, Lifetime : The lifetime total number of posts published by this company on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Clicks, Paid : The total number of clicks (to view your profile, view your website, or send a direct message) on promoted posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Comments : The total number of organic and paid comments on posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Comments / Post : The average number of organic and paid comments on any post published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Comments / Post, Organic : The average number of organic comments on any post published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Comments / Post, Paid : The average number of paid comments on any promoted post published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Comments, Organic : The total number of organic comments on posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Comments, Paid : The total number of paid comments on promoted posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Story Engagements : Completions / Frame : A Completion is an impression without an exit, meaning the viewer did not swipe out of or away from the Story. Completions / Frame is the sum of all completions, divided by the total number of frames published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Email Contacts Clicks : The total number of profile email contact button clicks during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Follower : The average number of organic and paid engagements (likes, comments, saves, clicks), per post, divided by number of followers, on any post published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Impression : The average number of organic and paid engagements (likes, comments, saves, clicks), per post, per impression, on any post published during the selected time period. This is calculated as Engagement Total divided by Post Impressions, expressed as a percentage.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Impression, Organic : The average number of organic engagements (likes, comments, saves), per post, per organic impression, on any post published during the selected time period. This is calculated as organic Engagement Total divided by organic Post Impressions, expressed as a percentage.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Impression, Paid : The average number of paid engagements (likes, comments, saves, clicks), per post, per paid impression, on any promoted post published during the selected time period. This is calculated as paid Engagement Total divided by paid Post Impressions, expressed as a percentage.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Reach, Organic : The average number of organic engagements (likes, comments, saves), per post, per unique impression, on any post published during the selected time period. This is calculated as organic Engagement Total divided by organic Reach, expressed as a percentage.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Reach, Paid : The average number of paid engagements (likes, comments, saves, clicks), per post, per unique impression, on any promoted post published during the selected time period. This is calculated as paid Engagement Total divided by paid Reach, expressed as a percentage.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Engagement Total : The total number of organic and paid likes, comments, saves, and clicks on posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Engagement Total / Post : The average number of organic and paid likes, comments, saves, and clicks on posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Engagement Total / Post, Organic : The average number of organic likes, comments, and saves on posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Engagement Total / Post, Paid : The average number of paid likes, comments, saves, and clicks on promoted posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Engagement Total, Organic : The total number of organic likes, comments, and saves on posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Engagement Total, Paid : The total number of paid likes, comments, saves, and clicks on promoted posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Story Engagements : Exit Rate by Impression : The total number of exits, divided by impressions across all frames published within the selected time period, expressed as a percentage.

Instagram Insights : Story Engagements : Exits : The total number of swipes away or swipes down from the Story.

Instagram Insights : Story Engagements : Exits / Frame : The average number of exits (swipes away or swipes down from any frame), across all frames published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Follower Adds : The total number of new followers gained during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers : The total number of followers during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers / Following Ratio : The ratio of followers to following for this company.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Female 13-17 : The number of females aged 13-17 following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Female 18-24 : The number of females aged 18-24 following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Female 25-34 : The number of females aged 25-34 following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Female 35-44 : The number of females aged 35-44 following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Female 45-54 : The number of females aged 45-54 following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Female 55-64 : The number of females aged 55-64 following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Female 65+ : The number of females aged 65+ following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Male 13-17 : The number of males aged 13-17 following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Male 18-24 : The number of males aged 18-24 following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Male 25-34 : The number of males aged 25-34 following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Male 35-44 : The number of males aged 35-44 following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Male 45-54 : The number of males aged 45-54 following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Male 55-64 : The number of males aged 55-64 following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Male 65+ : The number of males aged 65+ following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Unspecified 13-17 : The number of gender-unspecified persons aged 13-17 following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Unspecified 18-24 : The number of gender-unspecified persons aged 18-24 following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Unspecified 25-34 : The number of gender-unspecified persons aged 25-34 following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Unspecified 35-44 : The number of gender-unspecified persons aged 35-44 following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Unspecified 45-54 : The number of gender-unspecified persons aged 45-54 following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Unspecified 55-64 : The number of gender-unspecified persons aged 55-64 following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Unspecified 65+ : The number of gender-unspecified persons aged 65+ following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Female : The number of females following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Male : The number of males following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Followers, Unspecified : The number of gender-unspecified persons following this account on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Audience : Following : The total number of accounts this company follows on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Story Engagements : Frame Completion Rate by Impression : Completion Rate by Impression measures the percentage of impressions that finished watching a frame without exiting the Story (by swiping away or swiping down). It is calculated by total impressions subtracted by exits, divided by the total impressions, across all frames published within the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Story Engagements : Frame Completions : The total number of impressions without exits (swipes our or swipes away), across all frames published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Impressions : Frame Impressions : The total number of impressions received on all frames in all Stories published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Reach : Frame Reach Rate by Follower : The average number of unique users that saw any frame published during the selected time period, divided by number of followers, expressed as a percentage.

Instagram Insights : Story Engagements : Frame Replies : The total number of replies to all frames across Stories published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Activity : Frames : The total number of photo and video frames published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Activity : Frames / Story : The average number of photo and video frames published in each 24-hour Story during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Story Engagements : Full View Rate by Impression : The percentage of impressions without exiting or tapping forward on a frame. It is calculated by impressions subtracted by exits and taps forward, divided by the total impressions on a frame, across all frames published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Get Directions Clicks : The total number of profile directions button clicks during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Impressions : Impressions / Frame : The average number of impressions per frame, across all frames published within the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Impressions : Impressions / Post : The average number of impressions per post, across posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Impressions : Impressions / Post, Organic : The average number of organic impressions per post, across posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Impressions : Impressions / Post, Paid : The average number of paid impressions per post, across paid posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Impressions : Impressions / Story : The average number of impressions any Story received.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Likes : The total number of organic and paid likes on posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Likes / Post : The average number of organic and paid likes on any post published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Likes / Post, Organic : The average number of organic likes on any post published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Likes / Post, Paid : The average number of paid likes on any promoted post published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Likes, Organic : The total number of organic likes on posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Likes, Paid : The total number of paid likes on promoted posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Reach : Peak Reach / Story : The average Peak Reach across all Stories in the selected time period. Peak Reach is the maximum reach earned across frames within a 24-hour Story.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Phone Call Clicks : The total number of profile phone call contact button clicks during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Impressions : Post Impressions : The total number of views on posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Impressions : Post Impressions, Organic : The total number of organic views on posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Impressions : Post Impressions, Paid : The total number of views on promoted posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Reach : Post Reach Rate by Follower, Organic : The average percentage of followers that saw posts published during the selected time period organically. This is calculated by the number of users that saw each post organically, divided by the total number of followers, expressed as a percentage.

Instagram Insights : Reach : Post Reach Rate by Follower, Paid : The average percentage of followers that saw a promoted post published during the selected time period. This is calculated by the number of users that saw each promoted post, divided by the total number of followers, expressed as a percentage.

Instagram Insights : Activity : Posts : The total number of new posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Activity : Posts / Day : The average number of posts published each day, during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Activity : Posts / Week : The average number of posts published each week, during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Activity : Posts, Lifetime : The lifetime total number of posts published by this company on Instagram.

Instagram Insights : Activity : Posts, Organic : The total number of non-promoted posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Activity : Posts, Promoted : The total number of promoted posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Accounts Engaged / Day : The average daily number of unique accounts that have interacted with your content, including in ads. Content includes posts, stories, reels, videos, and live videos.

Interactions can include actions such as likes, saves, comments, shares, or replies.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Comments : The total number of comments earned by posts and Reels from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Comments, Ads : The total number of comments earned by ads from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Comments, Carousels : The total number of comments earned by carousel posts from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Comments, Posts : The total number of comments earned by photo and video posts (excluding Reels) from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Comments, Reels : The total number of comments earned by Reels (excluding posts) from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Impressions : Presence Impressions : The total number of times media/posts from this profile have been seen during the selected time period, regardless of post publication date. This number includes impressions from ads and boosting activity. The number does not include profile views.

Instagram Insights : Impressions : Presence Impressions / Day : The average daily number of times per day media/posts from this profile have been seen during the selected time period, regardless of post publication date. This number includes impressions from ads and boosting activity. The number does not include profile views.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Interactions : The total number of post interactions, Story interactions, Reels interactions, video interactions, and live video interactions, including any interactions on boosted content, for this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Likes : The total number of likes earned by posts and Reels from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Likes, Ads : The total number of likes earned by ads from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Likes, Carousels : The total number of likes earned by carousel posts from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Likes, Posts : The total number of likes earned by photo and video posts (excluding Reels) from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Likes, Reels : The total number of likes earned by Reels (excluding posts) from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Link Taps : The number of taps on your business address, call button, email button, and text button during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day : The average daily number of unique users that saw any posts, Stories, and promotions from this profile during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Ads : The average daily number of unique accounts that saw any ads from this profile during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Carousels : The average daily number of unique accounts that saw any carousel posts from this profile during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Followers : The average daily number of unique follower accounts that saw any posts, Stories, and promotions from this profile during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Non-Followers : The average daily number of unique non-follower accounts that saw any posts, Stories, and promotions from this profile during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Posts : The average daily number of unique accounts that saw any photo or video posts (excluding Reels) from this profile during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Reels : The average daily number of unique accounts that saw any Reels from this profile during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Reach : Presence Reach / Day, Stories : The average daily number of unique accounts that saw any Stories from this profile during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Saves : The total number of saves earned by posts and Reels from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Saves, Ads : The total number of saves earned by ads from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Saves, Carousels : The total number of saves earned by carousel posts from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Saves, Posts : The total number of saves earned by photo and video posts (excluding Reels) from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Saves, Reels : The total number of saves earned by Reels (excluding posts) from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Shares : The total number of shares earned by posts and Reels from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Shares, Ads : The total number of shares earned by ads from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Shares, Carousels : The total number of shares earned by carousel posts from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Shares, Posts : The total number of shares earned by photo and video posts (excluding Reels) from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Shares, Reels : The total number of shares earned by Reels (excluding posts) from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Shares, Stories : The total number of shares earned by Stories from this presence during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Presence Interactions : Presence Story Replies : The number of replies you earned on your Stories, including text replies and quick reaction replies, during the selected time period, regardless of content publish date.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Profile Engagements : The total number of profile interactions (email, website, phone call, text, and direction clicks) for your account during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Impressions : Profile Views : The total number of times this profile was viewed.

Instagram Insights : Reach : Reach / Frame : The average number of unique users that saw any frame published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Reach : Reach / Post, Organic : The average number of unique accounts that viewed each post organically, for all posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Reach : Reach / Post, Paid : The average number of unique accounts that viewed each promoted post, for all promoted posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Story Engagements : Replies / Frame : The average number of replies to each frame published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Saves : The total number of organic and paid saves on posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Saves / Post : The average number of saves on any post published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Saves / Post, Organic : The average number of organic saves on any post published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Saves / Post, Paid : The average number of paid saves on any promoted post published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Saves, Organic : The total number of organic saves on posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Saves, Paid : The total number of paid saves on promoted posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Shares : The total number of organic and paid

shares on posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Shares / Post : The average number of shares on any post published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Shares / Post, Organic : The average number of organic shares on any post published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Shares / Post, Paid : The average number of paid shares on any promoted post published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Shares, Organic : The total number of organic shares on posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Shares, Paid : The total number of paid shares on promoted posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Rate by Impression : The average number of organic and paid likes and comments, per post, per impression, on any post published during the selected time period. This is calculated as Social Engagement Total divided by Post Impressions, expressed as a percentage. Saves, shares, and clicks are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Rate by Impression, Organic : The average number of organic likes and comments, per post, per organic impression, on any post published during the selected time period. This is calculated as organic Social Engagement Total divided by organic Post Impressions, expressed as a percentage. Saves, shares, and clicks are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Rate by Impression, Paid : The average number of paid likes and comments, per post, per paid impression, on any promoted post published during the selected time period. This is calculated as paid Social Engagement Total divided by paid Post Impressions, expressed as a percentage. Saves, shares, and clicks are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Rate by Reach, Organic : The average number of organic likes and comments, per post, per unique impression, on any post published during the selected time period. This is calculated as organic Social Engagement Total divided by organic Reach, expressed as a percentage. Saves, shares, and clicks are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Rate by Reach, Paid : The average number of paid likes and comments, per post, per unique impression, on any promoted post published during the selected time period. This is calculated as paid Social Engagement Total divided by paid Reach, expressed as a percentage. Saves, shares, and clicks are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Total : The total number of organic and paid likes and comments on posts published during the selected time period. Saves, shares, and clicks are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Total, Organic : The total number of organic likes and comments on posts published during the selected time period. Saves, shares, and clicks are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

Instagram Insights : Engagements : Social Engagement Total, Paid : The total number of paid likes and comments on posts published during the selected time period. Saves, shares, and clicks are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

Instagram Insights : Activity : Stories : The total number of 24-hour Stories published during the selected time period. A Story is a set of frames published within a 24-hour day.

Instagram Insights : Reach : Story Peak Reach Rate by Follower : The average peak reach across all frames within each 24-hour Story published during the selected time period, divided by the number of followers, expressed as a percentage.

Instagram Insights : Story Engagements : Story Retention Rate by Reach : Retention Rate by Reach measures the views you retained through the 24-hour Story. It is calculated by the reach on the last frame in the Story, divided by the reach on the first frame in the Story, expressed as a percentage.

Instagram Insights : Story Engagements : Taps Backward : The totals number of taps to see the previous frame, across all frames published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Story Engagements : Taps Backward / Frame : The average number of taps to see the previous frame, across all frames published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Story Engagements : Taps Backward Rate by Impression : The average number of taps to see the previous frame, divided by the impressions on the current frame, across all frames published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Story Engagements : Taps Forward : The total number of taps to see the next frame, across all frames published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Story Engagements : Taps Forward / Frame : The average number of taps to see the next frame, across all frames published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Story Engagements : Taps Forward Rate by Impression : The average number of taps to see the next frame, divided by the impressions on the current frame, across all frames published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Text Message Clicks : The total number of profile text message contact button clicks during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Video View Details : Video View Rate by Impression : The total number of video views divided by the number of impressions received by video posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Video View Details : Video View Rate by Impression, Organic : The total number of video views divided by the number of impressions received by video posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Video View Details : Video View Rate by Impression, Paid : The total number of video views divided by the number of impressions received by boosted video posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Video View Details : Video Views : The total number of organic and paid video views that lasted at least 3 seconds on video posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Video View Details : Video Views (with Carousels) : The total number of organic and paid video views that lasted at least 3 seconds on video or carousel posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Video View Details : Video Views (with Carousels), Organic : The total number of organic video views that lasted at least 3 seconds on video or carousel posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Video View Details : Video Views (with Carousels), Paid : The total number of paid video views that lasted at least 3 seconds on video or carousel posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Video View Details : Video Views / Post : The average number of unique users that watched an organic or paid video for at least 3 seconds, per video post published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Video View Details : Video Views / Post, Organic : The average number of unique users that watched an organic video for at least 3 seconds, per video post published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Video View Details : Video Views / Post, Paid : The average number of unique users that watched a paid video for at least 3 seconds, per paid video post published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Video View Details : Video Views, Organic : The total number of organic video views that lasted at least 3 seconds on video posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Video View Details : Video Views, Paid : The total number of paid video views that lasted at least 3 seconds on video posts published during the selected time period.

Instagram Insights : Engagement Details : Website Clicks : The total number of profile website link clicks during the selected time period.

LinkedIn Metrics

LinkedIn : Engagement Details : Clicks : The total number of clicks on updates published during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Engagement Details : Clicks / Update : The average number of clicks on any update published during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Engagement Details : Comments : The total number of comments on updates published during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Engagement Details : Comments / Update : The average number of comments on any update published during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Follower : The average number of likes, comments, shares, clicks on updates published during the selected time period, per update, per follower, expressed as a percentage.

LinkedIn : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Impression : The average number of likes, comments, shares, clicks on updates published during the selected time period, per update, per impression, expressed as a percentage.

LinkedIn : Engagements : Engagement Total : The total likes, comments, shares, and clicks received on any update during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Engagements : Engagement Total / Update : The average number of likes, comments, shares, and clicks on posts.

LinkedIn : Audience : Follower Adds, Organic : The total number of new followers gained via organic acquisition during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Audience : Follower Adds, Paid : The total number of new followers gained via paid acquisition during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers : The total number of followers during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Accounting : The number of followers with Accounting job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Administrative : The number of followers with Administrative job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Arts and Design : The number of followers with Arts and Design job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Business Development : The number of followers with Business Development job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Community & Social Services : The number of followers with Community & Social Services job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Consulting : The number of followers with Consulting

job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Education : The number of followers with Education job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Engineering : The number of followers with Engineering job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Entrepreneurship : The number of followers with Entrepreneurship job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Finance : The number of followers with Finance job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Healthcare Services : The number of followers with Healthcare Services job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Human Resources : The number of followers with Human Resources job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Information Technology : The number of followers with Information Technology job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Legal : The number of followers with Legal job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Marketing : The number of followers with Marketing job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Media & Communications : The number of followers with Media & Communications job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Military & Protective Services : The number of followers with Military & Protective Services job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Operations : The number of followers with Operations job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Product Management : The number of followers with Product Management job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Program & Product Management : The number of followers with Program & Product Management job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Purchasing : The number of followers with Purchasing job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Quality Assurance : The number of followers with Quality Assurance job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Real Estate : The number of followers with Real Estate job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Research : The number of followers with Research job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Sales : The number of followers with Sales job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Support : The number of followers with Support job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Audience : Followers, Unknown function : The number of followers with Unknown job functions this company has.

LinkedIn : Impressions : Impressions / Update : The average number of views on any update published during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Engagement Details : Likes : The total number of likes on updates published during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Engagement Details : Likes / Update : The average number of likes on any update published during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Video View Details : Minutes Watched : The total minutes video updates published during the selected time period have been watched, including views less than 3 seconds.

LinkedIn : Video View Details : Minutes Watched / Update : The average number of minutes a video update published during the selected time period has been watched, including views less than 3 seconds.

LinkedIn : Impressions : Page Views : The total number of views of the Page during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Impressions : Page Views / Day, Unique : The average number of unique users that viewed the Page per day, during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Engagement Details : Presence Clicks : The total number of clicks received across all updates, regardless of published date, during the selected time period

LinkedIn : Engagement Details : Presence Comments : The total number of comments received across all updates, regardless of published date, during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Engagement Details : Presence Likes : The total number of likes received across all updates, regardless of published date, during the selected time period

LinkedIn : Engagement Details : Presence Shares : The total number of shares received across all updates, regardless of published date, during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Engagements : Presence Update Engagement Rate by Impression : This is calculated by the update engagement received during the selected time period (Presence Update Engagement Total), divided by the impressions received during the selected time period (Presence Update Impressions), expressed as a percentage.

LinkedIn : Engagements : Presence Update Engagement Total : The total likes, comments, shares, and clicks received on any update during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Impressions : Presence Update Impressions : The total number of views on updates during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Impressions : Presence Update Impressions / Day : The average number of views on any update per day, during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Reach : Presence Update Reach / Day : The average number of unique people who viewed any update per day, during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Engagement Details : Shares : The total number of shares on updates published during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Engagement Details : Shares / Update : The average number of shares on any update published during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Engagements : Social Engagement Rate by Follower : The average number of

likes, comments, and shares, per update, per follower, on updates published during the selected time period. This is calculated by Social Engagement Total on updates, divided by Followers, expressed as a percentage. Clicks are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

LinkedIn : Engagements : Social Engagement Rate by Impression : The average number of likes, comments, and shares, per update, per impression, on updates published during the selected time period. This is calculated by Social Engagement Total on updates, divided by Update Impressions, expressed as a percentage. Clicks are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

LinkedIn : Engagements : Social Engagement Total : The total number of likes, comments, and shares on updates published during the selected time period. Clicks are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

LinkedIn : Engagements : Social Engagement Total / Update : The average number of likes, comments, and shares on any update published during the selected time period. Clicks are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

LinkedIn : Impressions : Update Impressions : The total number of views on updates published during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Activity : Updates : The total number of updates published during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Activity : Updates / Day : The average number of updates published each day, during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Activity : Updates / Week : The average number of updates published each week, during the selected time period.

LinkedIn : Video View Details : Video Viewers / Update : The average number of unique people who watched any video update published during the selected time period for at least 3 seconds.

LinkedIn : Video View Details : Video Views : The total number of times video updates published during the selected time period were played for at least 3 seconds.

LinkedIn : Video View Details : Video Views / Update : The average number of times any video update published during the selected time period was played for at least 3 seconds.

TikTok Metrics

TikTok : Engagement Details : Comments : The number of comments on videos published on this company's TikTok page during the selected time period.

TikTok : General : Description : The bio description provided by this company on TikTok.

TikTok : General : Description Length : The length in characters of the presence positioning.

TikTok : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Estimated Impression : The average number of social interactions, per post, per estimated impression, on posts published during the selected period, expressed as a percentage.

TikTok : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Follower : The average number of interactions (likes, comments, and shares) per video, per follower, on all videos published during the selected time period, expressed as a percentage.

TikTok : Engagements : Engagement Rate by View : The average number of interactions (likes, comments, and shares) per view on all videos published during the selected time period, expressed as a percentage.

TikTok : Engagements : Engagement Total : The total number of interactions (likes, comments, and shares) on videos published on this company's TikTok page during the selected time period.

TikTok : Engagements : Engagement Total / Day : The average number of interactions per day on posts (across all channels) published during the selected time period.

TikTok : Engagements : Engagement Total / Video : The average number of likes, comments, and shares on any video published during this time period.

TikTok : General : Estimated Impressions : An estimate of the number of impressions a post received. The estimate for YouTube and TikTok is the same as the number of views for the video.

TikTok : Audience : Followers : The number of people following this company on TikTok.

TikTok : Engagement Details : Likes : The number of likes on videos published on this

company's TikTok page during the selected time period.

TikTok : Engagement Details : Shares : The number of shares on videos published on this company's TikTok page during the selected time period.

TikTok : Activity : Videos : The total number of videos on this company's TikTok page during the selected time period.

TikTok : Activity : Videos / Day : The average number of videos per day on this company's TikTok page during the selected time period.

TikTok : Activity : Videos / Week : The average number of videos published each week on this company's TikTok page during the selected time period.

TikTok : Video View Details : Views : The number of views on videos published on this company's TikTok channel during the selected time period.

TikTok : Video View Details : Views / Day : The average number of views per day on videos published on this company's TikTok channel during the selected time period.

TikTok : Video View Details : Views / Follower : The average number of views per follower on videos published on this company's TikTok channel during the selected time period.

TikTok : Video View Details : Views / Video : The average number of views per video on videos published on this company's TikTok channel during the selected time period.

Twitter Metrics

Twitter : Activity : All Tweets : The number of tweets (of all types) by this company during the selected time period.

Twitter : Activity : All Tweets / Day : The average number of tweets (of all types) by this company per day during the selected time period.

Twitter : Activity : All Tweets / Week : The average number of tweets (of all types) by this company published each week during the selected time period.

Twitter : General : Bio : The overview provided by this company on Twitter.

Twitter : General : Bio Length : The length in characters of the presence positioning.

Twitter : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Estimated Impression : The average number of social interactions, per post, per estimated impression, on posts published during the selected period, expressed as a percentage.

Twitter : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Follower : The average number of interactions (retweets, likes, replies) per tweet, per follower, on all tweets published during the selected time period, expressed as a percentage.

Twitter : Engagements : Engagement Total : The total number of interactions (retweets, likes, replies) on tweets that this company published during the selected time period.

Twitter : Engagements : Engagement Total / Day : The average number of interactions (retweets, likes, replies) of this company's tweets that were published during the selected time period.

Twitter : Engagements : Engagement Total / Tweet : The average number of retweets, replies, and likes on any tweet published during this time period.

Twitter : Engagements : Engagement for Tweets & Replies : The total number of interactions (retweets, likes, replies) on tweets and replies that this company published during the selected time period.

Twitter : General : Estimated Impressions : An estimate of the number of impressions a post received. The estimate for YouTube and TikTok is the same as the number of views for the video.

Twitter : Audience : Followers : The number of people following this presence on Twitter.

Twitter : Audience : Followers / Following Ratio : The ratio of followers to following for this company.

Twitter : Audience : Following : The total number of users this company follows on Twitter.

Twitter : General : Lifetime Likes : The number of tweets this account has liked, ever.

Twitter : Activity : Lifetime Tweets : The total number of tweets (of all types) ever published.

Twitter : Engagements : Likes : The number of likes on tweets that this company published during the selected time period.

Twitter : Engagement Details : Likes / Day : The average number of likes per day on tweets that this company published during the selected time period.

Twitter : Engagement Details : Likes / Tweet : The average number of likes per tweet, for tweets published during the selected time period.

Twitter : General : Listed : The number of public lists that this account is a member of.

Twitter : General : Location : The location provided by this company on Twitter.

Twitter : General : Profile URL : The URL provided by this company on Twitter.

Twitter : Engagements : Replies : The total number of replies on tweets that this company published during the selected time period.

Twitter : Engagement Details : Replies / Day : The average number of replies per day on tweets that this company published during the selected time period.

Twitter : Engagement Details : Replies / Tweet : The average number of replies per tweet, for tweets published during the selected time period.

Twitter : Activity : Reply Tweets : The number of replies by this company during the selected time period.

Twitter : Activity : Reply Tweets / Day : The average number of replies per day by this company during the selected time period.

Twitter : Activity : Reply Tweets / Week : The average number of replies published each week by this company during the selected time period.

Twitter : Activity : Retweet Tweets : The number of retweets by this company during the selected time period.

Twitter : Activity : Retweet Tweets / Day : The average number of retweets per day by this company during the selected time period.

Twitter : Activity : Retweet Tweets / Week : The average number of retweets published each week by this company during the selected time period.

Twitter : Engagements : Retweets : The number of retweets on tweets that this company published during the selected time period.

Twitter : Engagement Details : Retweets / Day : The average number of retweets per day on tweets that this company published during the selected time period.

Twitter : Engagement Details : Retweets / Tweet : The average number of retweets per tweet, for tweets published during the selected time period.

Twitter : General : Top Mentions : The number of collected top mentions of this company during the selected time period. For popular Twitter accounts, this is not a complete mention count.

Twitter : Activity : Tweets : The number of normal tweets (non-retweet, non-reply) published by this company during the selected time period.

Twitter : Activity : Tweets / Day : The average number of normal tweets (non-retweet, non-reply) published per day by this company during the selected time period.

Twitter : Activity : Tweets / Week : The average number of normal tweets (non-retweet, non-reply) published each week by this company during the selected time period.

Twitter : Video View Details : Video Views : The total number of video views on video tweets that this company published during the selected time period.

Twitter : Video View Details : Video Views / Day : The average number of video views per day on tweets that this company published during the selected time period. Calculated by the number of video tweets over number of days with a video tweet

Twitter : Video View Details : Video Views / Tweet : The average number of video views per tweet, for video tweets published during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Activity : All Tweets : The total number of tweets (of all types) published by during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Activity : All Tweets / Day : The average number of tweets (of all types) published per day, during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Activity : All Tweets / Week : The average number of tweets (of all types) published each week, during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Engagement Details : Clicks : The total number of clicks on tweets (clicks on hashtags, links, avatar, username, or tweet expansions) published during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Engagement Details : Clicks / Tweet : The average number of clicks on any tweet (clicks on hashtags, links, avatar, username, or tweet expansions) published during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Follower : The average number of engagements (likes, replies, retweets, clicks), per tweet, per follower, on tweets published during the selected time period, expressed as a percentage.

Twitter Analytics : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Impression : The average number of engagements (likes, replies, retweets, clicks), per tweet, per impression, on tweets published during the selected time period, expressed as a percentage.

Twitter Analytics : Engagements : Engagement Total : The total number of likes, replies, retweets, and clicks on tweets published during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Engagements : Engagement Total / Tweet : The average number of likes, replies, retweets, and clicks on any tweet published during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Engagements : Engagement for Tweets & Replies : The total number of likes, replies, retweets, and clicks on tweets and replies published during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Audience : Followers : The total number of followers during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Audience : Followers / Following Ratio : The ratio of followers to following for this company.

Twitter Analytics : Audience : Following : The total number of users this company follows on Twitter.

Twitter Analytics : Impressions : Impressions / Tweet : The average number of times any tweet was viewed.

Twitter Analytics : Activity : Lifetime Tweets : The total number of tweets (of all types) ever published.

Twitter Analytics : Engagement Details : Likes : The total number of likes on tweets published during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Engagement Details : Likes / Tweet : The average number of likes on any tweet published during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Engagement Details : Replies : The total number of replies on tweets published during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Engagement Details : Replies / Tweet : The average number of replies on any tweet published during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Activity : Reply Tweets : The total number of replies to tweets during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Activity : Reply Tweets / Day : The average number of replies to tweets, per day, during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Activity : Reply Tweets / Week : The average number of replies to tweets, each week, during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Activity : Retweet Tweets : The total number of retweets during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Activity : Retweet Tweets / Day : The average number of retweets per day, during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Activity : Retweet Tweets / Week : The average number of retweets each week, during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Engagement Details : Retweets : The total number of retweets of tweets published during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Engagement Details : Retweets / Tweet : The average number of retweets of any tweet published during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Engagements : Social Engagement Rate by Impression : The average number of likes, replies, and retweets, per tweet, per impression, on tweets published during the selected time period, expressed as a percentage. Clicks are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

Twitter Analytics : Engagements : Social Engagement Total : The total number of likes, replies, and retweets on tweets published during the selected time period. Clicks are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

Twitter Analytics : Engagements : Social Engagement Total / Tweet : The average number of likes, replies, and retweets on any tweet published during the selected time period. Clicks are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

Twitter Analytics : Engagements : Social Engagement for Tweets & Replies : The total number of likes, replies, and retweets on tweets and replies published during the selected time period. Clicks are not included in Social Engagement calculations.

Twitter Analytics : Impressions : Tweet Impressions : The total number of times tweets were viewed, for tweets published during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Activity : Tweets : The total number of tweets (non-retweet and non-reply tweets) published during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Activity : Tweets / Day : The total number of tweets (non-retweet and non-reply tweets) published per day, during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Activity : Tweets / Week : The total number of tweets (non-retweet and non-reply tweets) published each week, during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Video View Details : Video Views : The total number of times a video has been 50% visible for at least two seconds, across video posts published during the selected time period.

Twitter Analytics : Video View Details : Video Views / Tweet : The average number of times a video has been 50% visible for at least two seconds, across video posts published during the selected time period.

YouTube Metrics

YouTube : Engagement Details : Comments : The number of comments on posts published on this company's YouTube channel during the selected time period.

YouTube : Engagement Details : Comments / Day : The average number of comments per day on posts published on this company's YouTube channel during the selected time period.

YouTube : General : Description : The description text provided by this company on YouTube.

YouTube : General : Description Length : The length in characters of the presence positioning.

YouTube : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Estimated Impression : The average number of social interactions, per post, per estimated impression, on posts published

during the selected period, expressed as a percentage.

YouTube : Engagements : Engagement Rate by Follower : The average number of interactions (likes and comments) per video, per follower, on videos published during the selected time period, expressed as a percentage.

YouTube : Engagements : Engagement Rate by View : The average number of interactions (likes and comments) per view on all posts published during the selected time period, expressed as a percentage.

YouTube : Engagements : Engagement Total : The total number of likes and comments of videos published on this company's YouTube channel during the selected time period.

YouTube : Engagements : Engagement Total / Day : The average total number of likes and comments per day of videos published on this company's YouTube channel during the selected time period.

YouTube : Engagements : Engagement Total / Post : The average number of likes and comments on any video published during this time period.

YouTube : General : Estimated Impressions : An estimate of the number of impressions a post received. The estimate for YouTube and TikTok is the same as the number of views for the video.

YouTube : General : Keywords : The keywords extracted from this company on YouTube.

YouTube : Engagement Details : Likes : The number of likes on posts published on this company's YouTube channel during the selected time period.

YouTube : Engagement Details : Likes / Day : The average number of likes per day on posts published on this company's YouTube channel during the selected time period.

YouTube : Activity : Posts : The total number of posts on this company's YouTube channel during the selected time period.

YouTube : Activity : Posts / Day : The average total number of posts published per day on this company's YouTube channel during the selected time period.

YouTube : Activity : Posts / Week : The average number of posts published each week on this company's YouTube channel during the selected time period.

YouTube : Audience : Subscribers : The number of people subscribing to this company on YouTube.

YouTube : General : Title : The title provided by this company on YouTube.

YouTube : General : Title Size : The length in characters of the video title provided by this company on YouTube.

YouTube : Activity : Videos : The total number of videos for this company on YouTube.

YouTube : Video View Details : Views : The number of views on posts published on this company's YouTube channel during the selected time period.

YouTube : Video View Details : Views / Day : The average number of views per day on posts published on this company's YouTube channel during the selected time period.

YouTube : Video View Details : Views, Lifetime : The total number of views for this company on YouTube.

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