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Google Analytics Guide

This article covers how to use Google Analytics in Rival IQ.

Seth Bridges avatar
Written by Seth Bridges
Updated over a week ago

Our goal with Google Analytics is to provide you with easy-to-access reports for the traffic dimensions and metrics you consistently analyze. Each time you create a Google Analytics report, we save the exact dimension and metrics you want to measure. This way, you can return to your report without having to reconfigure anything, and your teammates can view these reports without setting anything up themselves.

Plus, you can also schedule these reports to be emailed to you on a specific day every week or every month.

Setting Up Google Analytics

To analyze Google Analytics, first connect to your Google Analytics account. 

Once connected, choose a configuration for your reports: the account, property, view, and segment of traffic you want to analyze.

Your Four Default Reports

Use the dropdown selector in the top left corner to switch between any of your reports.

We'll create four reports for you to get started, using the most common Google Analytics dimensions. You can always customize these reports and create more reports.

Acquisition by Channel - traffic sources are grouped by the same medium (ex. Direct, Email, Organic Search)

Social Overview - traffic sources are grouped by social network (ex. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)

Source/Medium Overview - traffic sources are grouped by source / medium (ex. google / organic, / referral)

Top Landing Pages - traffic sources are grouped by your landing pages

Viewing A Report

At a Glance

This panel displays a summary of metrics for the report. For each metric, we display the total or average, the comparison to the previous period, and a sparkline to help you quickly see patterns or spikes in activity. If you want to view the percent change against a different previous period, use the date picker to change the compare period.

Click on any of the metrics to view more details about it in the panel below. 

Metric Details

By clicking on the "New Users" metric in the At a Glance panel, this Metric Details panel has now updated to show information about the acquisition channel (the dimension of this report) of New Users.

This panel is divided into 3 sections:

Metric summary

The metric summary includes the metric total (this number should be the same as in the At a Glance), the totals broken down by dimension value, and a pie chart to help you visualize the breakdown.

Daily values

You'll notice that the daily values chart is displaying a longer range than we're evaluating. This is because we want to show you both the compare period and the previous period to help you understand whether the traffic in the current period is generally similar or different from usual. The previous period bars are slightly transparent.

Each bar is a stacked bar, to show you how much each of the dimension values play a part in the traffic for that day. This visualization is similar to the "plot rows" feature in the native Google Analytics tool.

Daily values for each dimension value

We further help you visualize how much traffic is attributed to a certain dimension value by showing you the daily values for each dimension value.

If you don't want to view traffic data by day, use the the "Grouped by" dropdown to view by week or month.


This table is very similar to the table you would use in the native Google Analytics tool. Each dimension value has its own row, and each metric has its own column. 

Editing a Report

Editing a report allows you to:

  • change the traffic segment 

  • rename the report

  • change the dimension 

  • update the metrics you're measuring

  • include filters

To edit a report, first select the report to edit using the dropdown. Then, click the "Edit Report" button.

Creating a New Report

First, click the "New Report" button in the top right hand corner. 

Then, choose the traffic configuration you'd like to use for your new report. 

You'll have the option to build a custom report from scratch, or choose existing reports we've set up.

When you build a custom report, you can start with any dimension, metrics, and filters.

When you choose from our pre-built reports, you can select multiple reports to create at once. You can edit any of these reports later.

Exporting and Scheduling Reports

You can export any part of your report, and also set up any report to send every day, week, or month.

Google Analytics Alerts

When you use Google Analytics in Rival IQ, we set up a couple of alerts to help you monitor traffic. You'll receive an alert email when we detect an increase in traffic from a source / medium, or to a landing page.

Learn more about these alerts in the Google Analytics Alerts User Guide.

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