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Google Analytics Alerts Guide

How to set up Google Analytics Alerts to discover big changes in your traffic.

Seth Bridges avatar
Written by Seth Bridges
Updated over a week ago

Gain a full understanding of what happens after driving traffic off-platform to your website by using Google Analytics Alerts in Rival IQ.

When you enable GA Alerts, you'll receive an alert when we detect big increases in traffic over a 30-day period:

  • To your landing page

  • From a source / medium

Setting Up Your Google Analytics Alerts

Set up Google Analytics Alerts in Alerts Settings in the landscape you manage Google Analytics.

1. Connect to Google Analytics

2. Enable Your Google Analytics Alerts

3. Choose the Traffic Segment to Track

4. Receive Alerts: You'll receive an email when we detect big traffic changes - keep your eyes out!

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between Google Analytics Alerts in Rival IQ and Custom Alerts in Google Analytics?

When you create Custom Alerts in Google Analytics you have to set up each alert for each dimension (ex. landing page, traffic source) you want to track, as well as your specific criteria for alerting. 

We know it can be time consuming to create this criteria. So, we've done that fine-tuning in Google Analytics Alerts in Rival IQ to tell you only about traffic growth that's worth mentioning.

When you set up Google Analytics Alerts in Rival IQ, all you need to do is choose your configuration (account, property, view, and segment of traffic). We'll immediately start tracking traffic to your landing pages and from traffic sources. And, you'll only get an alert when the traffic growth is notable for any 30-day period.

Can I receive Google Analytics alerts from only organic traffic?
Yes! Just update the Segment in your Google Analytics Alerts Configuration to track only organic traffic.

In the Rival IQ Alert Settings for your landscape, click Edit Configuration for your Google Analytics Alerts, and update the Segment to "Organic Traffic".

Can I receive Google Analytics Alerts from only social traffic?

Yes! You can create a Google Analytics Segment to filter traffic coming only from a social channel. 

First, head to the Admin Settings in Google Analytics for your Account, Property, and View. Under the View column click on "Segments".

Next, create a new Segment where the Source from your traffic matches regex "facebook|linkedin|twitter|youtube|instagram". 

Lastly, in the Rival IQ Alert Settings for your landscape, click Edit Configuration for your Google Analytics Alerts, and update the Segment to the one you just created (mine is called "Source From Social").

Can I receive alerts from more than one of my Google Analytics segments?
Yes, to receive alerts on another segment (or property and view) you can add another Google Analytics Alert Configuration in a different landscape. 

How do I view other metrics with a Google Analytics alert (ex. pages/session)?

View your Landing Page or Source/Medium report in Google Analytics in Rival IQ to dig into other metrics from your alert.

If you don't have one of these reports, you can easily create one from the "+ New Report" button.

Once you've created that report, click "Edit Report", then click the "Next" button to edit the report filters. Add a filter for the specific landing page or traffic source you want to evaluate. Then click "Save".

The entire report will update to display metrics for traffic from that landing page or traffic source.

If you have any questions or feature requests, email us at 

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