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Where can I find impression and reach data?
Where can I find impression and reach data?

And, how can I (not) aggregate this data?

Written by Nate Barrett
Updated over a month ago


Where can I find impression and reach data?


Within Rival IQ, metrics relating to impressions and reach and are considered private data by each of the social channels. Therefore, you can only view reach and impression data for accounts you have admin access to.

If you or someone on your team manages a Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn page, you can find this in Social Analytics > Your Private Data. To see this data, you must connect your team's accounts to Rival IQ.


Impressions measure the total number of times users have viewed your posts or profile, regardless of them being logged into the native platform (i.e. logged into their Facebook account while viewing your profile or post).

Impressions does not consider uniqueness across people. For example, a single user viewing your most recent post 5 times throughout a day will generate 5 impressions but only a reach of 1.

If your team needs to understand the total number of views a post or page received during a specific time period, impressions, not reach, will be the only valid choice of metric. Impressions, unlike reach, can be aggregated as we aren't constrained by the uniqueness constraint of reach metrics.


Reach is a measure of unique impressions and therefore represents the number of unique users, with each user only being counted once. For example, a single user viewing your most recent post 5 times throughout the day will only be counted 1 time for reach.

How do I sum up reach if unique viewers are only being counted once?

In order to provide accurate reach data, we do not recommend summing up various reach numbers you receive in your private data. Here are two examples as to why that will not be an accurate metric of your reach data:

  1. Your total reach for the week is not the sum of your daily reach for each day of the week. For example, if a user views your post on Tuesday and Wednesday, they will be counted as unique views for both Tuesday and Wednesday. However, for the week that user will only be counted once.

  2. If a user views a boosted post both organically and then again as an ad, that user will be counted as a unique view for both the organic post and the boosted post. However, when looking at the total reach for the post, that user will only be counted for once.

As you can see from the examples above, we are not able to compute a unique reach number for you across an arbitrary period of time. Simply adding up reach numbers isn't a valid technique, as you'll almost certainly be double-counting any user that sees multiple posts or across multiple days.

Though the specifics vary by platform, we generally have data for reach on a per-post basis and for profiles on a per-day basis. However, the platforms do not provide us a mechanism to compute reach across an arbitrary set of posts/days.

To help your team understand your change in reach over time, Rival IQ offers average reach metrics on a per-post or per-day basis.

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