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What are Amplification, Applause, and Conversation?
What are Amplification, Applause, and Conversation?

Lear how to use Amplification, Applause, and Conversation to measure customer interaction with your brand.

Written by Nate Barrett
Updated over a month ago


What are Social Amplification, Applause, and Conversation and how can I use them?


Amplification, Applause, and Conversation are metrics that help you measure the actions customers take to interact with your brand:

  • Amplification measures the degree to which your followers amplify your message by retweeting or sharing a post on Twitter or Facebook. This action results in a wider audience seeing the content (as opposed to the potential reach of all of your followers multiplied by their followers). NOTE: For Facebook, Rival IQ tracks shares on original posts, not on shares of reposts. For example, if someone shares a post from the Rival IQ Facebook page on their own timeline, and then a second person re-shares this post starting from their own timeline, Rival IQ doesn't capture the secondary share metrics.

  • Applause measures the positive feedback that followers provide on your content by favoriting a Tweet on Twitter, liking a post or photo on Facebook, liking a video on YouTube, or liking a photo on Instagram. Tracking Applause highlights the content your audience strongly identifies with.

  • Conversation measures comments that your followers make on your content by commenting on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram. NOTE: Conversation does not include Twitter Replies because Twitter does not make the reply counts on Tweets available in their public API. 

For a summary of social media metrics covering conversation, amplification, and applause, click here.

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