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Instagram Insights Definitions
Written by Nate Barrett
Updated over 2 months ago

Stories Definitions

Stories in Rival IQ can be analyzed by the individual photo/video frame, or by a group of frames (which we call a Story).

Frame-Level Definitions

Frame Order: The numerical order in which the frame was posted, within its 24-hour Story.

Frame Reach: The number of unique users that saw the frame.

Frame Reach Rate by Follower: The number of unique users that saw this frame, divided by number of followers, expressed as a percentage.

Frame Impressions: The total number of impressions on this frame.

Frame Completion Rate by Impression: Completion Rate by Impression measures the percentage of impressions that finished watching the frame without exiting from the entire Story (by swiping away or swiping down). It is calculated by total impressions subtracted by exits, divided by the total impressions on this frame.

Exits: The total number of swipes away or swipes down from the frame.

Exit Rate by Impression: Exit Rate by Impression measures the percentage of impressions with an exit (swipes away or swipes down). It is calculated by exits, divided by the total impressions on the frame.

Replies: The total number of replies to this frame.

Taps Backward: The total number of taps to see the previous photo or video.

Taps Forward: The total number of taps to see the next photo or video.

Taps Forward Rate by Impression: Taps Forward Rate tells you the rate at which viewers tap to move on to the next photo or video. It is calculated by the number of taps forward, divided by the number of impressions on the frame.

Story-Level Definitions

Stories: The total number of days with a Story.

Stories / Day: The total number of days with a Story, divided by the number of calendar days in the selected time period, expressed as a percentage.

Frames: The total number of photo and video frames published in the 24-hour Story.

Frames / Story: The average number of photo and video frames published in each 24-hour Story during the selected time period.

Peak Reach: The maximum reach earned across frames within the 24-hour Story.

Story Peak Reach Rate by Follower: The maximum reach earned across frames within the 24-hour Story, divided by the number of followers, expressed as a percentage.

Reach / Frame: The average number of unique users who saw any frame in the 24-hour Story.

Story Impressions: The total number of impressions across all frames in the 24-hour Story.

Impressions / Frame: The average number of impressions on any frame in the 24-hour Story.

Exits: The total exits (swipes away and swipes down) across all frames in the 24-hour Story.

Replies: The total replies to all frames in the 24-hour Story.

Story Retention Rate by Reach: Retention Rate by Reach measures the views you retained through the 24-hour Story. It is calculated by the reach on the last frame in the Story, divided by the reach on the first frame in the Story, expressed as a percentage.

Taps Backward: The total taps to see the previous photo or video, for all frames in the 24-hour Story.

Taps Forward: The total taps to see the next photo or video, for all frames in the 24-hour Story.

Profile Definitions

Profile Views: The number of views on your Instagram profile.

Profile Engagements: The total of website clicks from your profile.

Follower Add: The number of new followers.

Follower Remove: The number of unfollows.

Follower Change: The difference in follower count.

Follower Online Times: This graph shows the average number of followers online on a given time and day, based on the 30 last day of activity.

Posts Definitions

Reach: The number of unique accounts that viewed the post.

Impression: The number of views on the post. Note the difference between impressions and video views for video post types below.

Video View: The number of views on a video post that lasted 3+ seconds. Video posts can receive both impressions and video views. A view on the video post will count as an impression. Then, when the viewer watches the video for at least 3 seconds, that will count as a video view.

Engagement Total: The total of likes, comments, and saves on the post.

Engagement Rate: The engagement total divided by the reach of the post.

Reach Rate: The reach of the post divided by the number of followers of the account on the published date.

Total Carousel Posts: The number of photos and videos in the carousel post. Only carousel post types have this metric.

Carousel Photo Posts: The number of photos in the carousel post.

Carousel Video Posts: The number of videos in the carousel post.

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