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Exporting and Scheduling Reports

Learn how to automate the export and delivery of any report in Rival IQ.

Stephanie avatar
Written by Stephanie
Updated over a month ago

Downloading and Emailing Data

Rival IQ allows you to export or email any report, chart, or data set.

To download or email data:

1. Click Export at the top right of a page or panel. Clicking Export in a page downloads or exports all of the data on that page. Clicking Export in a panel downloads or exports the information in that panel.

2. Do one of the following:

  • Click a Download option to directly save a PPT, PDF, PNG, or CSV (only certain report types can be exported as CSV) to your hard drive.

  • Click Email to send the data in PPT, PDF, or PNG format directly to yourself, a teammate, or a client.

Scheduling Reports

You can also schedule a report to be emailed to you automatically with a specified frequency, reporting period, file type, recipients, and send time.

To schedule a report:

1. Click Export in any report, chart, or data set.

2. Enter a report name and set the frequency, period, and other options.

3. Click Schedule.

TIP: Reports don’t have to be just charts, tables, and numbers. One of our favorite exports is the post Grid View. To go to Grid View, click View More in any posts table and select Grid in the Layout list. You’ll see only visual content to help you spot trends.

What's Next

Ready to start analyzing? Learn how to measure your success against your competitors on social using Rival IQ in How do I benchmark my social performance using Rival IQ?

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