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Navigating in Rival IQ

Learn about controls used throughout Rival IQ for setting date ranges, filtering companies, exporting data, and more.

Stephanie avatar
Written by Stephanie
Updated over 4 months ago

The following features help you configure your view of data in Rival IQ.

Top Navigation Bar

The black bar at the top of the screen helps you configure and filter the data on your screen. For example, in the Competitive Public Data view, you can choose the social channel to focus on, the companies you want to include, and the date range you want to view. 


Throughout the pages, panels, and reports in Rival IQ, hover over information bubbles to dig into metric definitions, calculations, and learn how to go deeper on any displayed data.

Company Links

All company names in Rival IQ are hyperlinked so you can click to view more information about any company on its Company Profile page.

View More Buttons

Throughout the panels in Rival IQ, View More buttons help you expand on the data set you’re examining. 

Clickable Rows

Any row that hovers to blue is clickable. Click a row to view a modal of social posts related to that row. In this example, clicking the "#GIVEAWAY" row will show you a list of posts using that hashtag.

Manage Columns Buttons

On the top right of some panels, you can click the Manage Columns button to add or remove columns.

Export Buttons

In the top right corner of dashboards and panels, the Export button lets you create a visual report in PPT, PNG, PDF, and CSV formats. You can also schedule reports in any cadence you choose and add other recipients to a report.

What's Next

To learn how to focus your view to a subset of companies and manage the channels that are visible in cross-channel reporting, see Organizing and Optimizing Your Landscape Setup.

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